Maybe that would portend a total collapse of the CG run…(TR?)
I think if I was supporting Chris, sitting in a senate district with 100 others and I heard 60 vote for DP and 33 vote for TR – well I sure as hell would scratch my head and wonder if it wasn’t going on all over the place…
Your thoughts?
And finally – being my first post – thank you ALL for making this site a place where I learn something new every day!
Please share widely!
No, I’m sticking with my vote… which the first vote is to put Chris on the ballot.
I hate when Chris Gabrieli and others say “first ballot.” I actually had a lot of respect for Gabrieli up until the convention. Saying “Vote for me on the first ballot” is very misleading. There was only one. Yes, technically, it was the first, but it was also the last, and first implies other ballots to come. So stop, please. Thanks.
there were 2 for LG. But only one for Gov. Anyway, everything worked out fine.
no one realistically expected there to be more than one ballot for governor. It was rather disingenuous of Gabrieli to keep reinforcing the notion of a “first” ballot becaues no one really paying attention expected there to be a second.
You guys just won’t quit! I’ve heard everything. It was OK for Deval’s whips to ask for a Deval vote on the “first ballot” but it was disingenuos for Chris’s whips to do the same thing?
The other “talking point” I kept hearing was how Chris wasn’t “playing by the rules”. How he should have gone to the caucus, etc.
So my simple question was, ‘If he’s not playing by the rules, why is he on the ballot at the convention?”
It was like a deer stuck in the headlights. Then light dawned over marblehead. Oh, I guess he must be playing by the rules.
Then to add insult to injury, who was it that challenged the final tally when it was clear that Chris was on the ballot? Riley had enough votes so that nothing changed there. So WHO was so interested in keeping Chris OFF the ballot? Couldn’t have been the CLEAN MACHINE, because they aren’t politics as usual right? I guess that leaves none of the usual suspects.