Last night in the Rules Committee, the Markey amendment was put on the floor and the Sensenbrenner-Conyers amendment was not. This was an explicit move by the telecom companies to induce partisanship in the issue. The Sensenbrenner-Conyers Bill was a bipartisan approach to ensuring net neutrality, while the Markey Amendment comes from the Democratic side of the aisle. By striking down the Sensenbrenner-Conyers amendment, the Rules Committee wants to ensure that the Markey amendment gets voted down by a larger margin than the Sensenbrenner-Conyers amendment. We’re going to get lots of Democrats on the record on this bill.
… Now’s the time to call in to the House and ask your member to vote for the Markey Amendment and against the COPE Act if it does not include network neutrality.
Judging by what I’ve heard in the past, MA folks want to lean on Meehan and Delahunt in particular. Kudos to my congressman Ed Markey for writing the Democratic version of what ought to be a bipartisan bill.
Delahunt is a lost cause.
Will Sensenbrenner speak for the Markey amendment on the floor? He should – I will call HIS office, along with Dole and some other sympathizers.