Got to abstain on this one. All three choices suck!
You may as well tally up a vote for my favorite wartime Democratic President, “Give ’em hell” Harry Truman!
Truman didn’t get us out of a phucked-up war we had no right being in in the first place. Nixon did.
What flavor kool-aid is that?
Nixon. Say what you want about him, and I know this won’t make me very popular here, but if you subtract his evilness, he wasn’t a bad president. I know it is impossible to judge him without considering the darker side of things, but the guy would probably be a decent Democratic candidate if he was running with his ideas today. Can anyone really contemplate any potential GOP candidate expanding food stamps the way he did?
But in relation to your question, I choose Nixon because he listened to Kissinger.
He was a very bad man, but there is my vote.
This may sound weird, but I often think Nixon gets a bit to much credit. A democrat? Please. He got tainted by mccarthyism. remember his work on the house un-american activities committee?
Believe me dem, there is no way to separate Tricky Dick from some decent domestic and international stuff he did. He was a bad person, used HUAC for political fame, savaged Helen Douglas, and then there wer the plumbers…
Got to abstain on this one. All three choices suck!
You may as well tally up a vote for my favorite wartime Democratic President, “Give ’em hell” Harry Truman!
Truman didn’t get us out of a phucked-up war we had no right being in in the first place. Nixon did.
What flavor kool-aid is that?
Nixon. Say what you want about him, and I know this won’t make me very popular here, but if you subtract his evilness, he wasn’t a bad president. I know it is impossible to judge him without considering the darker side of things, but the guy would probably be a decent Democratic candidate if he was running with his ideas today. Can anyone really contemplate any potential GOP candidate expanding food stamps the way he did?
But in relation to your question, I choose Nixon because he listened to Kissinger.
He was a very bad man, but there is my vote.
This may sound weird, but I often think Nixon gets a bit to much credit. A democrat? Please. He got tainted by mccarthyism. remember his work on the house un-american activities committee?
Believe me dem, there is no way to separate Tricky Dick from some decent domestic and international stuff he did. He was a bad person, used HUAC for political fame, savaged Helen Douglas, and then there wer the plumbers…