Might I suggest a Democratic party anthem? I’m not with a particular candidate in the Governor’s race, and I do work for one of the Lt. Gov candidates, but Deval Patrick’s theme “Proud” by Heather Small is a great song. Echoes of Joan Armatrading, not matching Armatrading’s vocal quality, but alas, more current, it is guaranteed to lift the spirit of the most dispirited campaign worker. Just got it from ITunes. Something my kids and I can both enjoy.
Please share widely!
andy says
I thought the song was perfect too. It fit Deval to a tee and I think it really fits anyone who is interested in making politics better and that goes for pretty much all of us here no matter which campaign we support.
scott-in-belmont says
In 96, I got to pick the song for John Kerry in his re-elect against Weld. Right Here Right Now by Jesus Jones, about the Berlin Wall coming down. Another keeper. Silbert used it this year. Nice choice.
susan-m says
today at iTunes too. It’s very catchy and it was very sweet to see Diane Patrick singing along to it when I was watching the video monitors at the convention.
charley-on-the-mta says
Heather Small is the ex-frontwoman of the now-defunct M People — one of the few electronica/dance pop groups that I really dig.
cephme says
It was also the theme music for the 2012 London Olympic bid organization. She is a British singer. It think it was a great choice as well.
bluewatertown says
I thought it was a great choice, as you can tell.