Bob already posted on this last week,, but it bears repeating: Ted Kennedy’s and Sen. John Warner’s (R-VA) shenanigans around Cape Wind are crippling wind power projects across the country. Wind farms now have to get checked out by the FAA for — get this — military radar interference. Even in Wisconsin. Got that?
This is plainly an attempt at paralysis by analysis by Senators Kennedy and Warner. How ironic that a supposed environmentalist Senator is strangling an entire fledgling industry — one that is clean; that will contribute to energy independence; and will fight global warming.
David Schaper’s NPR report this morning tells what happened to projects all over the country:
The wind industry was blindsided, and the unexpected delay could cost millions. Some developers have already ordered turbines; agreements with land owners and utilities may have to be renegotiated [READ: LAWYERS’ FEES]; and some could lose out on renewable energy tax credits that expire next year.
What happens with Cape Wind is the first domino — either to the economic viability of wind energy as a whole, or to setting the whole process back by years. There is much more at stake than a view, or even the New England power grid.
We support Ted when he’s right (which is a lot); but or all that he’s done right, this is a real failure of vision on his part — and the consequences are vast. This project, this transformation of our energy sector, and the transformation of this earth by global warming are all bigger than him.
Which is hard to imagine considering,
For those who have not been following this, Cape Wind has basically aced the environmental review.
Now opponents are willing to jeopardize the timely development of wind in the U.S. This is just nuts.
No one has talked about this, but power from Cape Wind would largely back out power from oil-burning power plants on the Cape. (That means that when the wind blows, these power plants would burn less oil.)
Three years ago, a barge spilled 98,000 gallons of oil into Buzzards Bay. It was an environmental disaster. Cleanup is still ongoing.
The barge was delivering the oil to a power plant in Sandwich. Cape Wind would cut the probablity of these kinds of accidents in the future.
Even absent the general public environmental benefits of Cape Wind (global warming, saving oil), this local environmental benefit ought to trump any claims of Cape Code exceptionalism.
As for Ted, and those who support him in this, I am astonished. This is an opportunity to lead by example as he has done so many times on so many issues, and that is what he ought to do.
and I hate to sound cynical but I have to say that it seems whenever Mass has an opportunity to lead it squanders it. Mediocrity just seems the best we can hope for.
Ted Kennedy is doing the right thing as is Warner. Wind projects are being slowed down because of potential radar interference. Kennedy and Warner didn’t make it up. Please keep that in mind.
Studies from the UK’s Ministry of Defence showed that wind turbines can cause it. This is a National Security and Public Safety issue, now. And it is real. That is why the FAA and the Defense Department are studying it. For anyone to attempt to ignore it would be irresponsible. The Brits are working on solutions but to date have none. And neither do we in the US.
Many things were ignored before 9/11. And there is simply no excuse to ignore potential problems like this now.
This is political BS and you’re niave if you don’t know it.
For one, Wisconsin isn’t about to be raided by the Mexican airforce. If and when South Park becomes reality and Canada decides to invade us, we’ll politely ask the wind mill owners to power them down.
Stopping the construction of wind mills will not prevent future 9/11s… and quite frankly, even if they did, Global Warming is 10000000000x more important than terrorism.
Ryan! You can’t possibly be serious. You have been feeding off of the current hysteria. The same hysteria that was being pushed in the 70’s over Global Cooling… you know industrialization is causing another Ice Age. Get real. The Earth’s cycles of warming and cooling have been going on since it was formed billions of years ago. It is a simple thing there are things about the natural environment that we can control and things we can not. We bring terrorism upon ourselves but we don’t bring on hurricanes. Hurricanes have been a part of nature since way before the industrialization of the modern world. Where did they come from?
And stop spewing drivel.
Do try educating yourself on science. I am sure it will clear some things, like propaganda, up for you. Good luck!
Ryan, try repeating your statement “Global Warming is 10000000000x more important than terrorism.” to those who lost their loved ones and everyone else in this country who felt it as though these people were their own (and they were) and see what they have to tell you. I am sure your Global Warming hysteria will pale in comparison and be of no comfort whatsoever. I attended a memorial service with the family, friends and neighbors of one of the brave young firefighters who lost his life there. His body was never recovered yet he gave his life to save people he didn’t even know.
Another stealth attack on this country could be equally as devastating and all of the Global Warming theories and debates over Cape Wind will not change that. We are not talking Canada or Mexico here… and you know that.
There have been many cancer fighting drugs on the market that received FDA approval only to be pulled later because of serious unforeseen problems. When we know there is a potential risk to our National Security and Public Safety it is our duty to halt the process until we know exactly what we are dealing with. The radar interference issues with wind turbines are no different only this time it was the FAA who approved but halted the process due to new and vital information.
One last thought… if we were to ignore (unlike our enemies who won’t be ignoring potential holes in our defense systems) the studies from the UK and disaster were to strike. How would anyone explain that to the American People?
You were perfectly clear in your first comment.
Here’s a link to what ME is talking about.
I’m still unclear why this should be a reason to put every wind farm in America on hold.
It is possible that the UK studies opened up an issue that has not been investigated on any level in this country. My understanding was that it was a problem with off shore wind farms… but maybe the FAA and Defense Department is playing it safe with all. Just a guess.