Proof can be found in the recent issue to allow needles to be purchased without prescriptions. Not only a major public health issue, but one of those emotional wedge issues Republicans use to pretend that they are protecting the public from drugs. (Never mind that the truth is Romney/Healey cut treatment programs and now MA is the #1 state for heroin abuse! These folks are effing liars…but I digressâwarning PDF link)
So let’s check out what Healy said about this issue to the Globe on June 23:
“Imagine your children not only coming upon dirty needles in the park, but standing next to a drug addict in the checkout line of CVS who is there to buy more needles,” said Healey…”
And now let’s see what Reed had to say about the same issue in a June 29 Globe article :
“Imagine your children not only coming upon dirty needles in the park, but standing in line next to a heroin or crack addict in a drugstore,” he said.
The big lesson to learn here is that NOTHING that comes out of the mouths of these two people are their own words. At the very least they are wordsmithed by a few very well paid and experienced political operatives and, often, much of what they say will be poll driven drool.
Another lesson is that both Kerry and Reed are being coached and schooled. Probably everyday–and probably taped and reviewed. (We know Healey was taped prepping for her debate with Rappaport (sp)four years ago).
Expect every word coming from their mouths to be manufactured. And don’t expect easy gaffes from them either–they are being trained and they obviously are good learners.
HELLO MEMBERS OF THE PRESS! Do you really enjoy being human tape recorders for political consultants? Are you going to develop an edge or learn the concept of “follow up questions”? I know itâs way to much to expect reporters to actually verse themselves on substantive issues they write about and ask the tough questions.
And this syringe issue is a perfect example of what a little moxie, a couple of follow up questions and just a tiny bit of research would do for the press to expose Kerry Healey for the fraud she really is.
Allow me. After that silly little comment she made, how about this for a follow up–Lt. Governor, you’re an academic–a criminologist before entering politics–and this syringe proposal is similar to laws on the books in 46 states. Can you cite one research report that backs up your contention that this law will increase drug use?
She can’t because ALL research indicates it saves lives and has no effect on increased drug use.
Or how about this for a follow up: Lt Gov, why are you concerned about heroin use now–during an election year–and not during the first couple of years you were in office, because during those years, the Romney Healey administration cut hundreds of drug treatment beds, closing many facilities–during a time when heroin deaths where skyrocketing? Do you think those cuts increased drug use? Increased the chance a heroin addict would be standing in line next to a child in a check-out line?
So I don’t know who I’m madder at, the lying Republicans, or the wimpy Dems who do nothing or the enabling press because they are too stupid to know better.
Even out here we have seen the effect of your neglect and indifference.
if you could get clean needles?
Yeah, the only thing stopping Kerry Healey from putting a spike into her vein is that all her needles are dirty.
Frank – you are too smart not to know that the ‘cuts’ to treatment facilities were make by Tom Finneran, not Mitt Romney. Why? Becasue the state was BROKE – the Rainy Day and Unemployment funds were gone, and we had gotten to the point where Medicaid recipients were being told that the state could not afford new dentures or prosthetic limbs. In 2002, right after 9/11 and the financial catastrophe that followed – which is the last time Kerry Healey ran for office – who were you going to dedicate resuorces to – the Provincetown AIDS syringe turn-in which distinguished itself by recently giving a single addict ONE THOUSAND fresh new needles, or Mrs. McGillicuddy and her cracked upper plate?
That’s how Tommy Taxes saw it too.
The Romney cuts thing is a scam. The legislature can send whatever porked up budget it wants to the Governor, who is MANDATED BY LAW to bring it into line and can cut only in certain areas (remember the expanded 9-C cuts, so it ALL wouldn’t come out of social services?). With its sacred cows well protected, the Legislature can then decide WHICH vetos to take back up, and override any in a nanosecond. Then, legislators can say – hey, I VOTED for your polka-dot preservation society, but that BASTARD Romney cut it! No, I DON’T know why the Speakah didn’t bring it up for override, but you know, I will vote for it again next year…
And as far as not saying anything – in 2004 the Reform Team candidtes were told to repeat the syringe speil like zombies – and I had warned them it was a loser – and they went down in flames. I believe this is a personal obsession of Tim O’Brien, former MassGOP head and now Healey/Hillman chair, who reads nationwide polls, and can’t understand why Mass. doesn’t fit into his box.
Hmmm…because Finneran does not add drug treatment cuts to his list of automatic veto overrides, it’s Finneran’s fault and not Romney’s? Hey Peter, score one for “individual responsiblty”–something conseratives want everyone to take, accept themselves.
Bottomline is that the leadership of MA state Government, knowing that we had heroin epidemic going on, slashed treatment budgets in a short sighted fiscal move in ’02/03. Aside from the HUGE spike in deaths, health care costs for heroin related incidents sky-rocketed to $250 million in ’03–no doubt either MAss Health or the hopitials ate all that money. No the fiscally prudent thing to do, don’t you agree?
Now the legislature is trying to act reponsibly and pass the same public health law as 47 other states and Romney/Healey are playing politics, of course now you want to blame Tom O’Brien–are Romney Healey responsible for anything? (Although you might be right, after all, the essence of my post is everything they do is controlled by operatives and polling. Gee Peter, who may have a point after all).
Bottom line, they are playing politics here and people are going to die becuase of it (hundreds already ahve becuase of their ’02/03 budget cuts.)
Gov. Romney is responsible for nothing because the Legislature is offically appropriates! Hell same thing with George W and the massive federal deficit!
So Peter, you really are playing the “Governor is not responsible for anything” card? You just want to ignore the fact that Romney’s budget recommendations are always lower than the legislature on treatment funds–which are preventative. Or that Romney has veteod supplemental budgets for treatment. What’s the matter Peter, can’t you pin one ounce of responsibilty on to Romney and Healey for anything?
Amusing, your double standards–you’d blame Bill Clinton for a rainy day, but won’t blame the executive office in Massachusetts for a damn thing,
Is it no wonder that Peter, that your namesake was throw out of counties and in jail on different continents, not JUST for expressing opinions, but expressing clearly flawed opinions.
Really, Peter, if the best you can do is whine that the Legislator does the appropriating…hang it up and look for some leaders who will have the guts to take responsiblity.
Romney vetoed treatment funds
Ok, so there goes the whole basis of your argrument that it is the Leg fault that all the treatment funds have been cut.
Or are you really going to suggests it’s Sal fault if the Leg chooses not to override the veto?