Congratulations to Murray on getting the AFLCIO! I hope the unions will be able to influence voters the way they used to and drag them to the polls.It will be good to have someone ‘old school’ like Murray back in the Lt. Gov office. A small victory for one of the boys!! After all, Massachusetts is not so bad and the boys have been in charge so far.
Please share widely!
Well, from what I hear, Deb Goldberg lost the AFL CIO endorsement by one vote and Utility Workers Local 369 endorsed her. I think orange’s ‘old boy’ hopes are old world and the unions care about working people and their issues more than gender. The race is still between Murray and Goldberg.
The final vote was either 29 or 30 to 15. So Goldberg lost by double digits. Goldberg tried to worked to try and make it a draw, but clearly that idea failed. Mayor Murray won over 2/3’s the vote and earned one of the largest endorsements that every candidate worked hard to earn. All three candidates put time and effort into trying to sway those who voted at the meeting, and clearly over a majority of those at the meeting saw Tim as the only candidate who truly represents the working men and women and can win in November. This continues to show Tim has a proven record of standing up for labor and now they are coming ready to fight for him.
So is it your position that Firefighters Association, Local 950, Pipefitters Association, Local 537, and Utility Workers Local 369 do not represent the working people of Massachusetts? Furthermore, how about the people who care about educating tomorrow’s workers. Did you know that
School Committee Member Frank DâAgostino (Attleboro)
School Committee Member Ruth Kaplan (Brookline)
School Committee Member James Latter (Beverly)
School Committee Member Philip Oliveira (Lakeville)
all endorsed Deb?
Of course the unions you mention stand up for their bargaining units and their families, and it’s great for Goldberg that she received their endorsements, as well as those of the school committee members you mentioned.
The point is that the overwhelming majority of the MA AFL-CIO’s constituent unions believe Tim Murray will do the best job representing working families as LG. Murray also has a list of endorsements from state and local officials that’s a mile-long.
Of course the unions you mention stand up for their bargaining units and their families, and it’s great for Goldberg that she received their endorsements, as well as those of the school committee members you mentioned.
The point is that the overwhelming majority of the MA AFL-CIO’s constituent unions believe Tim Murray will do the best job representing working families as LG. Murray also has a list of endorsements from state and local officials that’s a mile-long.
Of course the unions you mention stand up for their bargaining units and their families, and it’s great for Goldberg that she received their endorsements, as well as those of the school committee members you mentioned.
The point is that the overwhelming majority of the MA AFL-CIO’s constituent unions believe Tim Murray will do the best job representing working families as LG. Murray also has a list of endorsements from state and local officials that’s a mile-long.
Welcome both Orange and Apple (why do I have the feeling I’m being ambushed and I’m clueless about it). I love to see new posts and comments minutes after folks register for the first time. Summer internships just starting at the campaigns?
Anyway, orange I really thought that you were being sarcastic with your posting…but apparently not.
You apparently are a supporter of Murray who celebrates his candidacy as ‘old school’ and his election to LG would be a victory for “one of the boys”, because the “boys have been in charge so far”.
Come on…I’ve been punk’d right…where is the camera?
either we on the murray campaign are mis-spending our money, or another campaign is mis-spending theirs. either way, it’s nice to see some life in the goldberg camp. welcome.
I am in the Murray camp
No, Im serious! Massachusetts is one of the remaining states that, thankfully, has not elected women to higher office. No US Senators, no US Congressmen, no Governors. Furthermore, there are only a handful of women in the state senate and state house of representatives. That is no accident.Still, Massachusetts sets many trends and prides itself on being ‘first in the nation’ on many fronts. I am not willing to give that up. Look at Hillary Clinton! You want women like that representing Massachusetts? Tim Murray is fine with me. The men in the house and senate would be able to go into his office and feel comfortable getting work done. Even better, if the governor steps aside again, we’ll have a man to take over. That would be the only good thing about Healey winning; maybe she’d step aside early and a man would take over.
You might think Im kidding, but if you are honest with yourself, you know Im right. Tim Murray is what Massachusetts is all about and I hope he wins.
As between the Goldberg and Silbert women, I guess I’d prefer Silbert because she is pretty passive and pretty. She’s kind of unthreatening and sweet. She’d disappear in the Lt. Gov office; easy to ignore. She is less experienced than Golberg (Silbert never held elective office, never managed a municipal budget, never worked with unions, never helped run a multimillion dollar business) and so Silbert would defer to the governor more than Goldberg would. I heard Goldberg speak. I like to have her at a dinner party because shes bright and fun to be around, has a good sense of humor, and very articulate.Then she should go home and back to work at the adoption agency she helps run. She is just the kind of woman who might go too far (like Hillary) and then that would change Massachusetts’ political landscape and I dont want that.
I will be holding signs and working the polls for Tim Murray!
as women who support a candidate only because the candidate is a woman. You should be ashamed of yourself and embarassed. Be honest with yourself you are a sexist. As a Murray supporter that suports him on his merit, hard work and vision I am embarassed.
BTW you are dead wrong on many of your assumtions. Im with Frank you are either extremely sarcastic or we’re bein punked.
I am neither ashamed nor embarassed. I am neither sarcastic nor sexist. I am a traditionalist who likes leadership in the hands of men. Im used to that and comfortable with that. You are kidding yourself if you think that Tim Murray’s positions are so different from Goldberg’s or Silbert’s. The only reason you and other women are with him is because you also are more comfortable with a man in charge. Tell me one thing that he has over Goldberg? (which is a better comparison than with Silbert since both Goldberg and Murray have held elective office).
If you dont think men have fought hard to keep higher office in their own hands, then you are not being honest. What do you think networking is all about? Let see, the president of the AFL CIO is a man! Surprised?
I am a traditionalist who likes leadership in the hands of men. Im used to that and comfortable with that = SEXIST
SInce I am only familiar with her education, economic and health care policy, and you seem to be the new expert why don;t you tell me her position on brownfields, the commuter rail.What has she accomplished in her elected office?
YOu do know they are both democrats so it is very common for some commonality in their positions.
I keep forgetting democrats are not immuned from the ism’s.
Tell you what, Ill do a bit of research on Goldberg and let you know what her positions are on brownfields and the commuter rail and on what she accomplished in elected office as you have requested. That will be a good exercise for me too. Id be interested in knowing that. But, please, you do the same for our candidate Tim Murray. You articulate his positions on brownfields, the commuter rail, and tell us all something he has accomplished in office. Lets post what we find and look at whether there are any differences that matter. Then, we can talk about the other stuff. Deal?