Thanks to Ernie for pointing out today’s column by Joan Vennochi, in which she calls for reinstating the draft not so much because we need the soldiers (though we probably do), but because it’s the only way we’ll ever have an honest debate about the war in Iraq.
She’s right. Go read it.
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I agreed with Rangel when he first proposed the draft, and I agree with him now. The quickest cure for this obscene war is a draft. Bring it on.
I spent most of grade school nervous about being drafted and going to Viet Nam, but just as I started to get close to teenager-hood, the war ended and the draft was cancelled and I can’t tell you how relieved I was (I was around 14). I’m not sure whether it was the prospect of going through boot camp (I wasn’t all that coordinated as a kid) or the prospect of going to Viet Nam that scared me more.
I guess you could call me the living embodiment of those adults who forget the lessons they think they learned as kids. Because I agree that we should have universal service. No exemptions, no deferrals, everyone serves, and everyone randomly selected for the armed forces, law enforcement, national parks, schools, or other public service. I think if there’s one thing this country needs, it’s a radical de-segregation of cultures, classes and races. It’s also a recommitment to the idea that we’re all in this together, and that we should be more concerned with what we can contribute to the country than with what we can get from the government.
What began the recent class war in this country was the academic deferral – my three-decker neighbors died in Viet Nam, while the tonier folk bought themselves off scott free. Just like the $300 substitutes in the Civil War.
I DO think the draft should be strictly military, however – law enforcement and the parks service have more than enough people trying to volunteer now. Plus, everybody would be clamoring for the non-military slots. We have Peace Corps, we have VISTA, we have Americorps – we NEED National Guard.
Also, I would support a STRICT religious and a medical exemption.
If it was 1971, and it really was “one of the first things Nixon did,” what the heck was he doing the first two years he was in office?