Jon Keller. Adam Reilly. The BMG Community. 60 minutes. July 11 2006 8:00 PM EST. Free telephone conference call and live blog. No tears.
Join noted journalists Jon Keller (CBS4 News Political Analyst) and Adam Reilly (Staff Writer for The Boston Phoenix), and the Editors and community of Blue Mass Group for 60 minutes of all-out no-holds-barred Massachusetts Politics Pundit Smackdown! Listen by free conference call. Post your questions online.
To join, call in to at 1-641-297-5400 and enter Participant Access Code 123789. Conference call is listen only: please submit questions to the BMG Pundit Smackdown! live thread that will be opened before the event. We hope you join us.
fieldscornerguy says
How’s this puppy going to be structured? Can imagine it turning into a shoutfest pretty quickly without a structure, but I’m guessing you have one. What is it?
david says
Only the 5 of us – Keller, Reilly, and the BMG staff – will be able to speak on the call. Everyone else will be listening, and hopefully liveblogging and shooting us questions online. So hopefully that’ll keep things somewhat under control. What we’re going for, really, is controlled chaos. This should be a lot of fun!
fieldscornerguy says
Good to know, though that’s far less free-for-all as I’d originally guessed. When you say that others will hopefully be sending you questions, is there a way to do that beforehand? Do you wantt themm to be all at the time? Are they to be e-mailed? Posted? Do tell!
david says
to drop topics or questions you’d like us to hit in this thread – and I’m sure we’ll post one or two more before the big event.
fieldscornerguy says
I need to think of less snarky ways to phrase some of my questions to Keller, but sounds good. Is it going to be focusing on statewide politics, or are Boston city issues relevant too?
bob-neer says
That’s the “no holds barred” part.
andronicus says
Maybe you can ask Keller why he is so obsessed with the fluff controversy? I understand it was silly, but it’s not like it was ever filed or taken up for debate on the floor or even in committee, so all of these complaints that it was a waste of taxpayer-funded legislator work time is a little far-fetched. It was more like a waste of important news time, when reporters could have been talking about serious issues and problems that are real and salient. And yet Mr. Keller seemed to have about seventy “commentaries” on the fluff issue.
porcupine says
Everybody slammed Ronald Reagan for using anecdotes to illustrate flaws or triumphs of government – and yet, they were comprehensible and approved of by the public. Keller is hearkening back to that tradition to illustrate the Legislature, Fluffily fiddling while Rome burns and important issues go unaddressed.
I hope he is not overly embarassed by the comparison.