It was a mere eight months ago that Mitt felt he “got the job done I set out to do” and announced he was riding off into the sunset, with a carefree hippie spirit of letting “the future take care of itself”
Well Mitt, there was a tiny little item that you overlooked.
Why doesn’t the media have collective memories?
Please share widely!
after they’ve dragged the story and the players through the mud for a few news cycles, then remember as if by some divine revelation that we’ve already been there.
the corner office at the State House:
Deriliction of Duty
AWOL (Potomic Fever type)
Just for the fun of it
Try Googling with just
“Romney” and “Fraud”
but hit “I’m Feeling Lucky” button instead of “google search” button…
This is something I have been wondering about as well. Do you think it is symptomatic of paring down news staffs and pushing out veteran journalists? I don’t know if this has happened at the Globe, but I know it has gone on in my hometown paper, the Berkshire Eagle.
I feel like most reporters essentially digest press releases and maybe add an opposing view or two. There doesn’t seem to be much analysis in terms of connecting present events with past promises. How come no one in the press was crowing that the Gov who so desperately wants Amorello gone thought he’d make such a fantastic member of congress?
…sure paired down news staff has an impact. But this is so damn obvouis–to you and I–that this/these questions should be asked.
For whatever reason, my sense of who is being blamed for this failure is the following–in order of blame:
1) Matt A.
2) Democratic “Hack” Leg
3) Bectel (maybe tied for second)
4) Republican Governors
How does that happen? I guess a combination of lazy media and great PR on the part of Romney.
If you switch 4 and 1 I think the list is right on the money.
My list had to do with preception. Your rearranging had to do with reality.