I’ll be appearing on Jim Braude’s “NewsNight” show on NECN at 7 pm tonight. The other guests are Channel 4’s Jon Keller and the Globe’s political editor David Dahl.
We’ll be talking about the issues of the day, and also about blogging and the role it’s playing in politics.
Should be fun – tune in if you can, or you should also be able to watch it at NewsNight’s website shortly after the broadcast.
Please share widely!
Tell Keller I said you are brave to face down Braude!
Count me watching! đŸ™‚
Break a leg, or something.
Tuned in and found the discussion very interesting. Wish you had gotten to ask questions of the other guests.
To David Dahl: When confronted with factual errors in your blog reports, why don’t you acknowledge and correct them?
To Jon Keller: How come you seem so docile, where’s the quick witted, cutting edge guy tonight?
To Jim Braude: Where’s Margery?
Keep up the good work, David. Your efforts are appreciated.
Thanks for the plug!
sorry I booted the address, though! You should get your own URL.