Tuesday Gore breezed into Cambridge for a noon book-signing event at
The Harvard Bookstore in Harvard Square which drew huge throngs of supporters and well-wishers.
Gore enthusiasts, including yours truely, stood in better than 90 degree heat to see their man. Some sported signs and buttons from the 2000 election while others waved hand-written signs with the slogans “Draft Gore 2008, For A Change In Climate!” and “Take back America, Restore Gore in 2008!”
One woman wearing one of the new Jacobs “Al For President,” t-shirts reported that as she approached Gore to sign her book, he commented, “I like your shirt!” She then asked him if that meant anything and he responded “absolutely!” “I think that means he might just take a draft,” the woman speculated. A flyer was distributed to hundreds waiting in line announcing an August 1 Meetup of the recently formed MassForGore group which met for the first time in Cambridge in June. (see events calender) The group is part of a growing movement to draft Gore to run as the Democratic party’s nominee for the 2008 election.
The popular website ” Alternet,” last week published a straw poll of more than 13,000 readers who cast their vote in AlterNet’s presidential preference survey. The readers chose Al Gore as the preferred Democratic Presidential candidate for 2008 giving him 35% of the vote to top the large field of candidates. The big surprise is that Hillary Clinton, whom many in the media consider to be the front runner for the nomination, received only 7 percent of the vote. Our own John Kerry received just 2 percent.
He has a sense of humor, and his neighbors like him, too!
Democrats.com has a new Presidential Primary Poll! With 2168 voting, Gore wins again!
Here’s the rundown: Gore 38%, Feingold 20%, Hillary 11% Edwards 8%, Clark 7%, Kerry 5%, Richardson 5% Warner 4% Biden 3%, and so forth.