Sorry if this has been posted, but I just caught Kerry Healey’s new bio spot. Maybe I’m not impressed with it because she’s had an unimpressive life. Sure, working class girl who gets a Harvard degree (with public assistance, they have the guts to tell us). Beyond that–she has values. Doesn’t seem to say a whole lot.
Please share widely!
…or I assume it’s a direct mail to all Dem primary voters (or maybe a larger universe). It was addressed to my wife, who leads a nonpolitical life, excepts she votes a lot. Man, it’s the summer dull-drooms in late July and three candidates are on tv, one of whom is already dropping mail (and on the radio) and a fourth is (supposedly) canvasing the state with field. Wow, ain’t seen nothin like that in a long time…
in that ad is the last line that the voice-over guy says. I’m sure it’s supposed to be “and she’s ready to lead Massachusetts.” But it sounds like “and she’s ready to leave Massachusetts.” Whoops.
Mitt Romney was in the room helping with the commercial.
“and she’s ready to peeve Massachusetts”
Pretty soft and cuddly, which she needs. That being said, it says squat about why she should be governor. “She’s ready to lead”? Uh … that’s nice.
Looks like a Red October Productions spot, if I had to guess.
In any event, I can’t see this doing much for her.
I’ve seen the ad about 8 or 10 times now. Every time I see it, I think that any of the Democratic candidates could take it and run–something like this:
O.K., Kerry — you were a middle-class kid who got some breaks along the way–how would you like to pass them along?
your father was left seriously disabled by a heart attack. What have you done in the last four years to advocate for people with disabilities?
You got financial aid at Harvard — your fellow Republicans on Captiol Hill have done everything they can to destroy grant programs for higher education while hiking student loan rates for the benefit of the banks. Your boss has vetoed funds to support public higher education — and you have been silent.
Your mother was a teacher and you have lovely children — but they’re in private school getting the chance to play sports, have art classes, etc., and not have to take standardized tests. Middle class kids are now having to pay to play. Arts and other “frills” which help kids grow into well-rounded citizens have been cut so that teachers have more time to prep kids for the MCATs. Don’t these kids deserve the same well-rounded education you are buying for your children?
Anyway, you get the picture. Our candidates need to talk about the role of government in giving everyone a fair chance at success.
…and that’s why we support the voucher system!
and no voucher system will pay for that kind of school. You know Gary, your ranting against anything that has to do with government spending reminds me of that quote that I believe is attributed to Sam Rayburn, “Any jackass can kick a barn down, but it takes a good carpenter to build one”. All you do is kick at government programs, and there are no real good private alternatives to essential services government provides.
“When you get too big a majority, you’re immediately in trouble.”
Like when you control the House the Senate, the executive branch and ahve a majority of the Supreme Court
…but wanted to show the other side of the coin.
That it’s trouble for the Dems to control the Legislature and the Executive branch in Massachusetts?
what an all Republican controlled federal system brings us–bad government and big deficits.
But I’m also seeing what kind of “check” 16 years of Rep Governors has done to MA–nothing. You have a very simple view of things…sure Shannon O’Brien was in the tank–her dad and her career oozed “back room”. But John Silber? Mark Roosevelt? Scott Harshbarger? Reilly a long-time DA/AG who two best friends are Republicans, Patrick or Gabrieli in the tank with the state house crowd? No frigging way. Celluci (sp) and Swift were way in the bag then anybody. Weld and Romney liked the title “Governor” but hated the job. And Healey! I’m not sure how long you’ve lived in MA to understand her back ground, but she will be eat’n alive by the sharks in the State House.
Sorry Gary (and Peter), things are not as tighty as you want them to be.
Hmmm…a “Healey sends her kids to private schools” attack campaign when Gabrieli and Patrick do, too. Ya think?
By the way, MCATs are the med school exams. While I suspect a few teachers in Weston and Newton do indeed prepare kids for that, most teachers consider the scary MCAS.
You know, MCAS. That frivolous test that asks sophomores to solve some algebra and geometry problems, read a few passages and I.D. the main idea, and write a coherent 5-paragraph essay.
That silly test which most middle-class kids breeze through, but stymie a fair number of poor and minority kids (in suburban districts), because the same suburban schools have long said “Oh, yeah, those kids….they’re victims of a harsh society….we can never expect them to actually achieve academically.”
If only we could get rid of MCAS, so the suburban districts could go back to the old way of shunting their have-nots into dead-end, Mickey Mouse classes. Those were the days.