Remember Kerry Healey’s new ad – the one in which the candidate herself appears for approximately one second?
Turns out that even in that one second, she’s managed to raise questions about compliance with state ethics rules that bar the use of the state seal for campaign events. That one-second appearance is of Healey behind a podium adorned with the state seal. A Healey spokesperson claims that they are “well within the rules,” without explaining how “flouting” rules counts as being “well within” them.
And the gang that couldn’t shoot straight marches on.
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ruling on that…
Especially if they come up with some loophole about an exclusion for “in the official performance of the duties of the LG” or some other bull.
using state seal politically on letterhead
If they can’t use it on letterhead, how could they use it on a TV ad?
If this is all you can carp about with regard to Muffy then we can all look forward to 4 years with her behind that seal.
There’s no shortage of reasons not to vote for Muffy. This just struck me as funny – she can’t manage to put herself in a campaign ad for literally one second without committing an ethical faux pas, modest though it may be.