(Originally posted at my personal blog.)
So I’m guessing that most of us here are critical of our immigrant-bashing, public-health-thwarting, married-to-a-corporate-welfare-king Lieutenant Governor. And hopefully, we appreciate the good work that happens over at Kerry Healey–Out of Touch.
I have nothing to do with the folks over at KH-OoT–just read it periodically. And I read today that the site is moving up in the search engine listings when one searches for Kerry Healey.
So it occurred to me (and this is just my personal scheme, not linked to the people who run the site) that it might be fun to try to improve that listing with a bit of Google Bombing. How does this work? (It involves no bombs, so relax.) The more websites that link the name Kerry Healey to http://kerryhealeyoutoftouch.blogspot.com, the higher that website’s ranking will climb when one searches for Kerry Healey.
So give it a try! Put a link in your blog. And pass the word on.
Again, this is just my hare-brained scheme–if anyone at KH-OoT wants me to stop, I will gladly do so.
Looks like the folks at KH-OoT don’t mind! Now, who’s up for it?