Not sure how I missed this find by Kim Atkins earlier this week. Fortunately, Adam and Bruce both noticed it. Remember how Tom Reilly said he stopped taking campaign contributions from Big Dig contractors in early 2005 when he took over the cost recovery efforts? Turns out … not so much. On December 31, 2005, and again on June 30, 2006, one Charles Madden donated the maximum $500 to Tom Reilly’s campaign. His occupation? “Retired.” OK, so no obvious red flag there. But a one-step search in OCPF’s records shows that the same Charles Madden, at the same address, also donated $500 to Reilly on December 31, 2003, at which time he listed his occupation as “Vice President,” and his employer as “Modern Continental.” And just in case anyone needs a refresher, Modern Continental is the one company that we know seriously screwed up on the Big Dig (no doubt there are others, but this one is for sure). Oops.
Mr. Madden, it turns out, is a generous and bipartisan donor, as my brief foray into the OCPF records revealed. He is a strong supporter of Republican Senator Richard R. Tisei – even though his Senator is Democrat Thomas McGee (Tisei represents the next district over). He has also donated at least three times, most recently on March 30, 2006, to Michael A. Sullivan, the former Mayor of Cambridge who is now running for Middlesex County Clerk of Courts, as well as to Senate President Travaglini, Senator Robert Havern (D-Arlington), Shannon O’Brien, Middlesex Sheriff James DiPaola, and 2002 Treasurer candidate James Segel.
And, on August 15, 2005, Madden pitched in $250 to Deborah Goldberg’s Lieutenant Governor campaign. That record is a bit unclear (his occupation is listed as “Executive” and employer as “letter sent”), but it appears that he was not yet retired at that point.