A vote for Patrick is a vote for Healey.
The writing is on the wall here. If the Democrats support Patrick it will be smooth sailing in November for the Republicans.I’m very disturbed at the latest article on Mr. Patrick.
How would he defend himself in attack ads from Healey if he won the primary?As an Independent I’m looking for a change of Republican rule, not the same old thing.
The Boston Globe, “Critics tag Patrick’s corporate role: Group seeks to tie candidate to abuses,” By Frank Phillips, August 7, 2006
Read this Article, I can’t believe it!!!
Please share widely!
sco says
Again, I feel that your concerns are misplaced. The article you site details complaints made about Deval from the left because of his corporate connections, not because he is too liberal.
Patrick has said that he will defend himself from attack ads, and I believe him. Attacks will be forthcoming, but they will be answered.
You also forget the effect of Christy Mihos. While others may laugh at his candidacy, I believe he will provide enough of a drag on the Republican candidate so that the Democrats could nominate anyone short of Billy Bulger or Tom Finneran and still win.
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you are an Independent looking for an end to Republican rule and not a plant from the Reilly or Gabrieli campaigns. I have one question: If Deval Patrick does win the nomination, would you vote not vote for him, or are you worried that others would not vote for him?
tim-little says
Not “site.”
Points off for spelling….
porcupine says
sco says
Somewhere between $70k and $80k paid to Spoonworks Inc for signature gathering says he’s on the ballot.
Either that, or he’s got a pretty fat refund check coming to him.
lightiris says
in downtown Worcester that says vote for me, Mihos.
sco says
He’s got a couple on the Pike, too, around exit three or four if I’m not mistaken.
lightiris says
lightiris says
andy says
My wife and I went out to Western Mass last weekend only to be greeted by these purple monstrosities! I though MFW made Western Mass Deval country! 😉 (notice the wink MFW)
sabutai says
The man just looks handsome in 30-foot wide photos..
sco says
Those billboards, at least the ones on the Pike, are so poorly designed as to be almost unreadable. It’s something like pink letters with white outlines on a blue backround and the effect is that the letters all run together. Plus the whole thing is too cluttered to read anyway racing through Western Mass at 65MPH (never higher, of course).
porcupine says
sco says
sabutai says
Course, I’m a political junkie, so I’m willing to careen into a guard rail so I can read a political sign, billboard, or bumper sticker…
lolorb says
Have you noticed that the poster never makes comments, so we can’t give him or her zeros? Which camp is this one from — seems more likely Gabbers than Reilly, although a case could be made for a crazy Mihos or Healey follower.
sco says
But nothing that this poster has done really deserves a zero in opinion.
Sure these diaries are trolls in the classic sense, but there’s no reason for Deval supporters to calmly and rationally refute claims, or at least enthusiastically explain their own support.
In fact, I greatly prefer these diaries to the jdhaverhill style “My candidate rulz!!!@!1 Read his website!!!!@!!1” diaries, because at least they provide a jumping off point for a conversation.
lolorb says
a gentleman and a scholar. 😉 Have you considered entering politics? We will never be allowed to use the rating system on a poster who doesn’t make comments and persists in writing inflammatory posts with equally inflammatory titles yet does not participate in the discussion. Makes me want to hit the zero key.
lightiris says
on the wall.
The wall says:
No wait, something’s screwed up there, it says:
No sorry, wrong office. The wall says:
No wait, the writing is a bit fuzzy here. I’ve got it now. It says:
Yup, that’s what it says here, but it continues on another wall. It says:
Who knew there was so much writing on the wall? One can learn a lot from walls, don’t you think?
smart-mass says
John Beluchi (or Monty Python) on troll diaries is actually better than the recipe approach used at Daily Kos… Well done…
Miss Elk: Where? Oh, what is my theory? This is it.
(clears throat at some length)
My theory that belongs to me is as follows.
(clears throat at great length)
This is how it goes.
The next thing I”m going to say is my theory. Ready?
Presenter: Yes!
Miss Elk: My theory by A. Elk. Brackets Miss, brackets.
This theory goes as follows and begins now.
All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much thicker in the middle and then thin again at the far end. That is my theory, it is mine, and belongs to me and I own it, and what it is too.
lightiris says
Sadly, it reads like some of the writing I get out of my sophomores.
The only thing missing are these last lines:
And that is my essay on the brontosaurus. Now you know why the brontosaurus is so special.
But I love ’em to death……lol.
smart-mass says
High school I can understand a bit. College… no way
lightiris says
And, to be clear, I was joking more or less.
sabutai says
which usually begins
Today I am going to tell you about the Brontosaurus and mention some interesting facts.
lightiris says
I wanted to strangle every 3rd- and 4th-grade teacher who taught kids those stylistic anvils. Now that I’m teaching high school, I still want to strangle all those teachers but am including middle-school English teachers, as well, for not breaking the cycle of addiction.
Kids cling to that formulaic crap like drowning sailors.
ryepower12 says
Really, this stuff bothers me to know end. If you have an honest critique against Deval, then just go out and say it. There’s NOTHING in your diary that makes me think you aren’t some campaign stooge from one of the other campaigns.
The Coke stuff is all smoke and mirrors and people aren’t going to buy it. How does Deval refute it? By making everyone else feel like fools. It’s quite easy to see that not only did he leave Coke because he didn’t like what they did, he was essentially forced out because he was trying to get to the bottom of it.
sabutai says
Not if this is the best the other campaigns can do.
Seems more like a bored memeber of the Junior Republicans Club…
jaybooth says
pablo says
Democrats can nominate Deval and get a blue state Democrat as governor.
Or we can nominate Chris (Romney Lite) Gabrieli, the only difference is that Gabrieli has the gaul to invest in and attempt to regulate the charter school industry. Then you get a race with Kerry Healey, a Republican attempting to appear moderate, versus Gabrieli, who is attempting to be Romney Redux. In that race, Mihos looks like the progressive.
I am tired of DINOs (Democrats In Name Only) who come into the party, gain leadership positions and/or bring conservatives into Democratic primaries, and allow for Republicans to use DINOs like Finneran and Bulger against us in the general elections.
Let’s take back the party, take back the state, and elect someone with good old blue state values. With George W. and the Republicans in Congress, we need a strong progressive governor to counteract the garbage in Washington.
hlpeary says
If Gabrieli is as you say “Romney-Lite” for supporting charter schools, then you must consider Andrea Silbert “Healey-Lite” as she also supports charter schools and they are supporting her campaign in return. So that would be a “Charter-strong” ticket, I guess you would say.
hoss says
Anyone who has seen her knows she’s infinitely more substantive that Ms. Healey.
As for charter schools, this is an issue that Democrats simply need to come around on. Ask any parent living in an inner city community and they’ll tell you that they wish their kid could get into a school like some of the charter schools that exist in Boston. Pilot schools may be a more palatable way to go, and perhaps that’s how Dems should lead, but turning our backs on charter-like schools is akin to turning our backs on a huge chunk of the electorate – non-white urban dwellers – that Dems rely on. I think in 20 years we’ll look back and see the latent racism that caused us (myself previously included) to oppose charter schools. I know there’s a lot more to this discussion, but my larger point is that it’s not an issue that Chris Gabrieli and Andrea Silbert will lose their races on, nor should it be.
pablo says
Here we are, trying to run a public school system with LESS state money than when Jane Swift was governor. The privatization freight train at the Board of Education, meanwhile, has ruthlessly expanded charters at the expense of the public system.
For every child that goes to a charter, the state garnishes a boatload of money from the district’s state aid account (typically ranging from $10K-$12K). Lose four kids to a charter, you lay off a teacher. The way things are set up in Massachusetts, public systems are killed by the private charter school operators, who are unaccountable to the local taxpayers that fund them.
State Board of Education chair Peyser is also employed by the New School Ventures Fund, which supports startup charters. The only person who is worse on the issue compared to Peyser is Gabrieli, who is nothing more than a charter school profiteer looking to change state policy to Advantage his business holdings.
kaity says
Not only did you not actually provide a link to the article in question, you did not provide any of the content of the article! Headlines are for grabbing attention, not providing substance. You’ve also ignored the debunkings and criticisms this article has recieved. This is trash blogging, and probably a plant. Progressives are not sheep, we’re too smart for this junk.