…and waste time debating the Pepsi Challenge or whether Deval took a mortage from Ameriquest to finance his Berkshire home, (OK, I haven’t been paying all that much attention to BMG these days–but I bet the average voter cares even less about the recent dust-ups) Kerry Healey continues adhere to her campaign playbook.
It won’t win awards, but it does get the point across.
Please share widely!
Yeah … I don’t know if that resonates so well. She’s trying to make a narrative, but she doesn’t have a record of credibility on that issue — or any issue. And man, is she prickly. I love the “oh yeah — education!” at the end.
The thing that’s effective about her ads so far is that they bring it down to pocketbook stuff — very understandable. Now, so is going without health care, or breathing polluted air; and the Big Dig has a resonance about it, too. So, I don’t think she can just take this issue and run away with it, as long as the Democratic candidates counter with their own kitchen-table type issues.
Break it down!
That bears repeating. In a mantra kind of way.
Thanks for finding the catchy stuff in my comments, Frank. đŸ™‚
Lather, rinse, and repeat.
will be to attack the Democratic nominee on any unclear questions about their record and their policies. If it’s Reilly, it will be his decisions as AG. If Deval is the nominee, front-and-center will be his corporate past.
I’d prefer that we discuss it in August rather than have Kerry Healey to do it in October. You may see it as a waste of time, I see it as the essential vetting component of the primary process.
And let me define what I, and many other people mean by clear. Copies — not summaries or hearsay — from a neutral source of:
We can try to be an unresolved issue behind us but it will not go away as long as the Republicans want to hold the governor’s office. Are these demands exacting, possibly unfulfillable? Yes. Wishing them to go away won’t work. Lamont didn’t whine when Lieberman’s crowd questioned his decisions as selectman — he addressed it and made it a non-issue. That’s the model to follow.
These documents are out there, and if there’s something untoward or even awkward in them, either dogged pursuit by us will get them now, or they’ll be leaked by Republicans in October. Take your choice.
Unless she gets desprite, they’ll first paster Deval as tax and spender and if that ain’t working, they’ll come up we plan be and TRY to exploit the corporate stuff–the repubthugs will do a much better job at that.
howd i know you would come up with that one, or Ruby Ridge
I haven’t used “quota-king” once. đŸ™‚
During her acceptance speech at the Republican convention, Healey mentioned Patrick as a tax and spender. Frankly, she barely mentioned him, and spent most of her time attacking Reilly. What do you suppose that says about Republican perceptions of our candidates?
In any case, as I’ve argued in more detail here, being the only one of the five major candidates who is for a tax freeze makes you a de facto tax-and-spender.
We are less than 6 weeks out from the primary now. Now is the time to come forward and answer these questions.
It is kind of like attacking someone for being a virgin. Nobody should be attacked for that. BUT if you go into whatever, claiming you are a virgin, when you are not, people are not going to be happy when the alledged truth starts to contradict the image, and then THAT starts becoming an issue.
It is Deval that claims to be “No Ordinary Leader”. That leaves either extraordinary or less that ordinary. No doubt Deval is between a rock and a hard place. But what does that say about his judgment, that he could “answer these questions” during a heated political campaign by pointing at non-disclosure agreements, thereby never having to answer the questions?
So the issue is becoming “Deval’s claims”, because of the non-disclosures, he’s forced to “not talk” about what he “must talk” about to be a successful candidate.
How can he succeed in the general election with one hand tied behind his back?
Now is the time to select the BEST candidate, one without one hand tied behind his back, to take on Kerry Murphy Healy. (BTW, why has she dropped the “Healy”?)
I disagree with plenty of comments, but I am loathe to say that somebody else’s opinion is completely devoid of content.
I seriously think this rating system has lost its value.
the whole Killer Coke stuff. And all the rants that Deval “must face the music” stuff over the last few days. I put up this post to get the focus off this intramural issue and remind folks of the “big picture”.
But no, folks have to try and hijack the post and suck it into the recent vortex that has dominated BMG the last couple of days.
Yes, RM, sabutai, you and I are not Deval supporters. And I’ve given Deval a few good shots over the past year, yet I can’t join the recent pile on.
And I’d rather keep this post focused on the real issue: Kerry Healey and I’d like to see those comments deleted. It’s my post, I’ll cry if I want to.
(Folks may try to contend I brought the Killer Coke issue into this post–but those folks can only read the words and not appreciate the meaning and tone behind my references.)
I was saying this stuff on June 09 so don’t lecture me. The real issue is Healey, who will use everything she can get her hands on, including killer coke. It’s all part of the same campaign.
I hope she’s not paying anyone much money for that ad. I thought it SUUUUUUCKED! I mean, come on – there’s no basis for ANYTHING she’s saying – a bunch of meaningless numbers running up really fast? How lame is that? Plus, it’s not like she hasn’t come out with an impressive laundry list of new spending proposals. And I’m with Charley – the “like education” at the end is hi-frickin’-larious.