This Gabs surge tells me that the Dems can win back the office. He is the only one that can beat Kerry Healy unless she seriously stumbles.
So what should a good lobbyist do at this late stage of the game?
Go heavy on Tim Murray. Schedule that little time for him at the office and send him off with five to ten grand.
I haven’t followed the details of the lt. gov’s race. No need to. It’s Murray’s. (Now which one owns Stop & Shop?)
Please share widely!
What about your Foxwoods system?
Murray’s inability to wisely manage his impressive cashflow has resulted in his having significantly less resources than his competitors. Thus, his campaign has decided to put out this “field operation” message to mask the fact that they won’t have enough dough to compete on the air with the big girls.
No down-ballot campaign in a decade has been able to put together a significant enough of a feld operation to have any marked effect on the race, so until it happens, it’s a far-fetched dream.
If a lobbyist wants to hedge his or her bets and ensure s/he is in with the winner, Silbert is obviously the best choice.
Goldberg will outspend Murray and Silbert in a media buy 4 to 1. In additon, Murray has invested, as has Patrick, in field. As Murray has outraised Silbert since entering the race, he has had money to spend on field.
Comparing Murray’s field operation to Patrick’s is apples to oranges, and is also not credible. This LG’s race is a vacuum, and getting anything more than a token field operation together won’t happen, unless you count placing signs at polling places, which isn’t a field operation. An impactful field operation consists of IDing voters and getting them to the polls – which Patrick alone is doing. Murray’s campaign finance reports show no evidence of a wholesale voter ID process, and it can’t be done in a downballot race at anything more than a superficial statewide level. Alternatively, if they’re doing a regional field effort, it won’t impact the race enough to make a marked difference.
Folks, the Murray campaign is spinning the heckoutofus to compensate for the lack of an ability to adequately conserve resources. Don’t believe the hype, it ain’t true.
Only Andrea Silbert has run a disciplined and focused-messaged campaign, and her ability to expend resources on media and GOTV in the closing days of the campaign will prove wise when in less than a month we’re all cheering her on.
who are you trying to convince? Yourself?
Mayor Murray’s organization will prevail for many reason’s one being that there are three people running for this seat. And the wealthy one is not moving around the state like the other two are.
I really do not think Goldy knows where Worcester,Hampden,Franklin Counties are?? Murray, has been gathering support everywhere and his message of fighting for local aid and knowing how important local government is to the average person. Silbert has NO experience at all in dealing with local/state governmental affairs. Yes, we know the she is a CEO for, again a nonprofit/nonpaying tax business.
This is a far cry from working everyday trying to make sure critical services are working. And the taxpayers are getting their fair share in these services. We need someone who is fiscally responsible and can work to attract new development.
Mayor Murray has led the charge cleaning up Brown Fields thus getting more affordable housing developments. He has a record of achievements much more then Goldy’s misleading ads and Silberts lack of knowledge of how government works.
It’s too bad money plays such a vital role in this crazy game because if it did not this race would already be over. GO MURRAY !