Blue Oregon requests questions for Frank who will appear on Oregon radio 6 August: “Congressman Barney Frank to appear on Nick Fish Show open discussion. On August 6th, Congressman Barney Frank(D-Massachusetts) will appear on Outlook Portland with Nick Fish (WB32, 6:30 a.m.). Congressman Frank was the second openly gay member of Congress and is one of the progressive leaders in Congress. Nick has agreed to ask the Congressman a few questions posed by readers of BlueOregon. So, fire away. Ask your questions in the comments – and hopefully they’ll be answered on-air. (Or, Congressman, feel free to post your answers right here!)
Please share widely!
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
his position on protest “buffer zones”. Including abortion protest bufferr zones.
charley-on-the-mta says
Thanks to Barney for coming around on Cape Wind. What are the prospects of expanding wind power around the country? What regulatory hurdles can we get rid of? What investments? etc.