Well, as the primary approaches, traffic here on BMG is surging. Last week was our biggest ever: over 18,000 unique visitors, with more than 2,000 each day (including the weekend).
So, as the site is getting used more heavily, now seems like a good time to ask: how do you use the site, and how can we make it work better? How frequently do you visit the site? Do you just scan the front page? How often do you check out the comments? Do you check them repeatedly to see how the discussion has progressed, or is once enough for any given post?
Also, do you read every “recommended” user post? Only the ones that look interesting? How extensively do you delve into the user posts that haven’t yet made the “recommended” list – and how often do you yourself recommend posts? Is five “recommended” posts too many, too few, or about right? Do you find the “recent comments” box useful?
What about the external links? Do you regularly read and click through either the BMG Mass o’ Politics Google Reader, or the Lefty Blogs ticker? The Blog Roll? The ads? What else might we post on the site that you would find useful – and what is just taking up space?
Thanks for your input!
Saturday’s numbers look out opf place? Any reason for hat weekend surge?
Was it the Conte/Worcester arrest thing?
and we’re not really sure why. The only odd thing I found was that an external site linked to some of the “worcester justice” stuff about Mary Jean and the arrest video. Maybe that’s a really hot issue in some quarters?
I don’t know which one is more often though, but people definately click to articles – I get a lot of my site’s traffic off it actually, and it’s nothing to sneeze at.
Last week, Deval Patrick’s website put up a blurb about BMG editors endorsing him. Perhaps it’s his grassroots supporters migrating over. They access his website to use his community tool. I know that’s how I ended up here.
There was a spot to see the most active posts. Such as the ones that were getting the most replies/traffic, or had the highest ratings (or even the most ratings–I always contend that the most contentious posts are rated all over the place), on the home page? I am always interested to see what other BMGers are reading and responding to.
I read the TP roll and the user posts that catch my eye.
But what I really want to say is that BMG is developing into a great forum for getting issues of public concern into the public eye whether or not the MSM (mainstream media) cares about them.
For me, the case in point in the Benjamin LaGuer saga which I have been researching for years with little luck in getting the MSM beyond the groupthink that set in after a DNA test seemingly implicated him.
I have been mindful not to post to BMG frivolously, but to seek your collective attention only when there is really news to report. It’s not the governor’s race, I know, but it is a case of critical public concern. I am grateful to all who recommend my posts and for the occasional promotion to the TP roll.
The item I posted today shows that the circle of people taking notice is widening. You’ll see more as events unfold.
BTW: I included a link to BMG at the bottom of the article I published in the Valley Advocate this week. The link was also prominently displayed in a box in the print edition. Might that have accounted for a couple of Saturday’s hits?
2. I think we’ve posted before about this – some sort of predictions thing, to lock people in, so we’d know who is good at reading the tea leaves. Alcohol must be somehow involved.
3. Solve ratings abuse. I don’t mind getting a bunch of zeroes. What is somewhat annoying is thinking that some total lunkhead is so pleased with himself.
4. If this site could somehow improve the Red Sox bullpen, I’d be obliged.
for the Sox comment.
Well, that and the newspaper idea. Sort of a Today’s Papers for BMG.
Is that ratings abuse :)?
You sound like you’re volunteering, GGW.
You also sound like you’re volunteering to solve the bullpen woes. How’s your slider?
in other words, same as tavarez, and i’m cheaper.
And I’ve never seen you in my life.
Looking forward to promoting those Sunday digests đŸ˜‰ And where were you this series for Chrissakes?
How frequently do you visit the site? Multiple times during the day during the summer; late afternoon/evenings during the school year.
Do you just scan the front page? No, I look at the FP posts then move over to the others.
How often do you check out the comments? Anytime someone puts up something new.
Do you check them repeatedly to see how the discussion has progressed, or is once enough for any given post?
Repeatedly to check the progress of the discussion.
Also, do you read every “recommended” user post? Scan it at least.
How extensively do you delve into the user posts that haven’t yet made the “recommended” list – and how often do you yourself recommend posts? I look at 90% of them and rarely recommend. Will probably recommend more often, though.
Is five “recommended” posts too many, too few, or about right? Seems about right.
Do you find the “recent comments” box useful? Extremely! That’s the best feature, I think. Please keep it.
What about the external links? Never look at ’em.
Do you regularly read and click through either the BMG Mass o’ Politics Google Reader, or the Lefty Blogs ticker? The Blog Roll? Never look at it.
The ads? Well, I was hugely distracted by the Join My Class Action Suit guy, but, otherwise, I don’t pay attention to them.
What else might we post on the site that you would find useful – and what is just taking up space? I shall have to cogitate and let you know.