The Herald has been gleefully covering the antics of the “media consortium” – which includes the Globe, channels 2, 5, and 7, NECN, and WBUR-FM – in scheduling the gubernatorial debates. The first post-primary debate, on September 25, is being hosted by the Herald and by channel 25, neither of which is a consortium member. Consortium-led debates are already set for Sept. 26 and Oct. 19.
The problem appears to have been that Jon Keller wanted to host his own debate on Channel 4 on November 1, and wanted it to be the last one before the election. He got Kerry Healey to agree to that date. That apparently sent the “consortium” through the roof (obviously, the last debate is the best one), whereupon they secured commitments from all three Democratic candidates to attend a consortium debate, rather than Keller’s, on that same night, Nov. 1. And here’s the kicker: they did it by guaranteeing the Dems that if Healey didn’t show up, the Dem would get to use the time scheduled for the debate for a free extended on-air interview. That was too much risk for Healey, who backed out of Keller’s debate and went with the consortium. Whereupon, Keller cancelled his Nov. 1 debate, and Channel 4 rejoined the consortium for that debate. Channel 4 is reportedly trying to work out its own debate sometime in the previous week.
And here’s a great quote from a journo prof regarding the consortium’s offer of free air time:
Such an offer is not the most ethical thing in the world to do, said Melissa Comacho, assistant professor of Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts at San Francisco State University. When you start striking deals – whether its free air time or better camera angles – you stop being objective, said Comacho. It almost sounds desperate.
Query why the Herald had to go all the way to the west coast to find a prof willing to give them the quote they wanted, but whatever. Anyway, it sounds like everything is worked out – and it looks like there will be at least five debates between Sept. 20 and Nov. 7, which is good news for voters.
Funny that I didn’t see any coverage of this flap in the Globe. I must have missed it.
At least we come out with lots of debates!