I’m calling on Deval Patrick to drop out of this race for Governor. Democratic issues are being lost in the media because of Deval’s involvement in corporate boards. These distractions are hurting the Democratic effort. I want to hear about education, job growth, health care
NOT Texaco, Coke and Ameriquest.
Please share widely!
lightiris says
Really, you slay me.
But serious, as it appears you are someone who suffers from high distractability, you might wish to try one or more of the following:
1. Get out more
2. Visit the candidates’ webpages and do some reading
3. Pick up a newspaper or magazine and do some reading
4. Elevate the head of your bed six inches
5. A warm poultice
too-left-for-me says
Our Democratic message is getting lost because of Patrick’s corporate board involvements.
Did you read the paper today with your cup of Kool-Aid?
Just wondering..
david says
ed-prisby says
I’m sure he’ll get right on that.
federalist-no-2006 says
Deval is the one candidate that has been consistently issued focused. He’s the only one who has espoused clear and articulated positions on things like Cape Wind or the tax rollback, and hasn’t stammered out Dem party boilerplate on everything else.
In the course of this campaign, both CW and taxes have been toxic, and yet, Deval addresses them with regularity. In the past Patrick has talked about the specifics of the health care legislation, or Big Dig reform prior to the recent failures, or extending and funding public transportation, or protecting public safety.
I suspect that in addition to criticizing Patrick’s “distracting” corporate experience, you might also criticize him for not talking about that same experience.
Reilly brought the Coke media circus to town (opening act: Deval’s Richmond house followed by The Fly Club bunk), and Gabrielli equivocates too much. Patrick, I am sure, is as tired as you are of distractions from the issues.
howardjp says
Seems like many of the newbies who have joined are “attack” junkies, maybe we should have a waiting period before people can post on the site, especially within X number of days before an election.
lolorb says
We all believe in free speech. Everyone should be allowed to post here without a waiting period — right Bob, David & Charlie? It’s way too much fun to reveal the truth behind the posts or to watch the posters do it all by themselves!
For those who do pay attention, it’s good to learn the lessons of bidness as usual. I think it would be a disservice to the readers to discourage the “attack” junkies from plying their trade. đŸ˜‰
david says
Kos has a 1-day wait before you can post, though you can comment right away. I don’t know … we’ve talked about it on occasion, but it does seem as though the community polices this stuff pretty closely and pretty effectively. I’d rather let johnny/janey-come-latelys who launch right into attacks get slapped around by the regulars, and have them learn through experience what works and what doesn’t.
peter-porcupine says