DFA Summer Get Together:
“The Tea is in the Harbor” Book Event with
Scott Goldstein from Democracy for America
What can we do to bring young people into politics?
What kinds of strategies and technologies will help us recruit new grassroots leaders?
Join Boston Drinking Liberally and activists from local Democracy for America chapters as we chat with Scott Goldstein, author of the exciting new book, “The Tea is in the Harbor”. Scott will discuss his experiences working with Generation DFA, and his strategy for reaching out to young liberals and bringing them in to the political process.
This will be a great chance to meet liberal dinkers and DFA activists from around the Boston area!
Copies of the book will be available at Middlesex if you’d like to buy one.
See http://www.scottfora… for more information.
WHERE: Middlesex Lounge, 315 Mass Ave, Cambridge, Massachusetts
WHEN: Aug. 8, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
RSVP: http://upcoming.org/…
It’s quit tough for some of us to make it into town…
Have you ever considered moving the “drinking liberally” around?
Worcester, Framingham, Burlington, Lowell, Springfield, North Shore, South Shore, etc…
Lynne was hosting a DL, but I think they are on hiatus during the summer.
I’d consider holding one in my neck of the woods
(Though I live in Hudson, I suspect that one of the hotels or resturants in eastern Westborough might work well because of its proximity to 495/9/90 – easy on, easy off as they say
I think there is a Ruby Tuesdays or TGIF at Rt. 9 and 495 but the bar is a bit small and pretty loud.
How do I start Drinking Liberally?