Joe Battenfeld of Fox25 had a nice segment, flying over the mansions of the candidates in a helicopter:
- Healey’s in Beverly and in Vermont;
- Gabrieli’s on the North Shore (to go along with the Louisburg Square townhouse)
- Taj Deval in the Berkshires;
- Christy’s spread on the Cape;
- and yes, Tom Reilly’s double-decker in Watertown. (It does look like a fine double-decker, if you like that kind of thing — I do.)
Some good lines from Battenfeld… re. Mihos: “How many Slurpees do you have to sell to get that?” Gabrieli: “I think I’m getting deck envy.” (And for good reason.) The “Sanford and Son” background music for Reilly’s double-decker was priceless.
Battenfeld actually interviewed all of them: For my money, Mihos (“I’m living the American Dream … every day I have to pinch myself”) and Patrick (“You should have called me, I’d have showed you around”) came off much better than Gabrieli (“The kids need someplace to play outdoors”) or Healey (“my husband and I came up from nothing”).
Pure entertainment, nicely done.
a nice segment on something that, oh – I don’t know – matters?
Don’t watch Fox25 for anything that matters beyond a weather map.
Did they do the Reilly house in Chatham and Deval Patrick’s house in Milton? If not, why? Anything short of a full list is questionably biased.
You know, this wasn’t exactly hard social science here … They did say they looked for Reilly’s Cape place, but couldn’t find it from the air.
I think this Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous stuff is garbage but, for the record… doesn’t Reilly rent his double decker?
What about Grace Ross? No pictures of her commune in Worcester?
I actually saw the segment — they teased it while Prisonbreak was on and I couldn’t resist. It was a little creepy, but at least Battenfeld wasn’t taking it seriously.