How come Goldberg has a Boston Firefighter in her AD, not a Brooklin one discussing how great of a job she did in increasing the department? Isn’t it kind of odd that a Brooklin Firefighter is not in the AD? After all she saved them when other,all 351 cities and towns were either laying off or freezing their budgets.
Folks it never happend and that is why we are not seeing a Brooklin Firefighter in the AD.
We nee our elected officials to at least try to be up front with us on basic facts,facts that are so easy to confirm. This untruthfulness is an example of why Goldberg should not be in the number two spot.
Let’s elect Tim Murray, he is an average person who has actually done the job of making hard decision that effected peoples lives. It’s not always easy making cuts in personnel, but I am amazed that Goldberg was able to do this when others could not.
Enough of the nonsense, we were all not born yesterday. We do not need anymore millionares trying to tell us they can relate to the middle road citzens. It’s time we get the Gov/LG back into the hands of people that at least know how hard thousand of families struggle each and every month. Go MURRAY GO !
Good Lord, is this the Ed Kelly who is in Deb Goldberg’s ad?
Come on guys. BIG picture here. I believe Ed Kelly says, “Only Deb could do better.” (Or something along those lines.) Does he ever say exactly outright what you are contendning? No. I think that the way it is presented is that she added Brookline firefighters and Ed Kelly’s statement (and by putting those two together implies/suggests, but does not state the aforementioned truth) only shows the success of the advertisement, that she could do overall better–and how you “fell” for it.
Secondly, for those who do realize who Ed Kelly is, it is important to realize that his being in the advertisement itself, is a big endoresement for Deb (good for her for using it) and people who know who he is will possibly seriously consider her candidacy.
So … in an ad that’s plainly about Deb’s background in Brookline, we’re supposed to just understand that the firefighter could be from any-frickin’-ville?
And if Ed Kelly is a big shot, a major endorsement to land — why doesn’t the ad come out and say exactly who he is?
I’m getting a picture, all right.
“Ed Kelly is the President of Boston Firefighters Local 718 and a Boston Firefighter. The portion of the commercial with Deb talking to firefighters includes: Paul Canney, Current-President Brookline Firefighters Local 950, Rob Ward, Past-President Local 950 (President while Deb was Chair of Selectmen), and Chet Riley Past-President Local 950.
OK, so there are Brookline firefighters in the ad. I don’t know why none of them are actually speaking in the ad. It’s just really peculiar, and not totally straight-up.
DEB never added 1 firefighter, she is full of it. That is why the were no one from Brookline FD talking in her ad.