Much discussed, rarely seen. The 2006 Deb Goldberg for Lieutenant Governor video is presented here as a public service. If this is where the heiress is spending her millions, Murray or Silbert will win in a walk. Indeed, from the look of this video it seems like Healey-Goldberg would be an ideal ticket:
Click here to play the Goldberg Convention video in QuickTime. If you need the free QuickTime player, please click here.
Goldberg’s address to the Convention, which is much better than the video, follows in the same clip.
Please share widely!
sco says
Worse even than I remembered.
How in the world did you get this? Don’t tell me that the Goldberg campaign actually released this stinker to the outside world?
You all are the law-talkin’-guys, so you’d know better than me whether it’s OK to post this if they didn’t give permission.
hoss says
Andrea Silbert’s Convention Video.
Deval Patrick’s Convention Video.
Deval Patrick’s Convention Speech.
Tom Reilly’s Convention Video and Speech.
Chris Gabrieli’s videos on his website.
John Bonifaz’ Convention Video.
What is Deb so afraid of? If her strategy is to blow Tim and Andrea out of the water with her TV buy, then I suppose it does make sense to try to squelch all other commentary on her candidacy. A “rose garden” strategy, if you will…
stomv says
I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on television.
What are the legal issues with the video? If I had a copy of it, could I post it online? I would imagine this is a copyright issue, but I was thinking it might be different from a Simpsons cartoon because its political/free speech/nonprofit/somesuch.
stomv says
I’d swear the opening shot of her outside the grocery store is the “old” Stop & Shop at the South Bay shopping center, in front of the doors which are on the right side if looking at the building.
Notice the bus stop over her right shoulder, the cars passing by on ground level, and the elevated cars which are going to/coming from the interstate and 5 point intersection of Dot Ave and Dot St in Andrew Square.
The inside of the building doesn’t appear to be the same place though.
hoss says
She’s inside Foodies on Washington St. in the South End.
lightiris says
The reaction around me on the convention floor that day was uniformly negative, tinged with a twist of shock. People were baffled, clearly, and the attempts at humor elicited some very uncomfortable laughs.
A ceremonial pyre for this apotheosis of bad taste and judgment was in order the day this turkey saw the light of day.
hoss says
Note, though, that Deb has apparently brought on a new ad guy to spend the 2+ million on her ads.
Link here.
Think it’ll work? No one knows who the heck any of these candidates are, so maybe carpetbombing the airwaves will work. It’s the tried and true method, and I have no reason to think that it won’t work again. As I’ve said numerous times, these downballot races get won on the air, and until someone proves me wrong, I’m sticking with my theory.
highhopes says
Goldberg’s blunder at the convention is still hanging over her head. As a Murray supporter I have said all along that primary voters will not take warm up to her message never mind that insults that were displayed at the convention.
Mayor Murray’s video was very clear and straight forward. He showed all that attended that he was worked with all levels of government. Murray’s experience is why he should be the next LG of the commonwealth.
slushpuppy says
I’m a Silbert supporter and think Andrea’s video, speech and hustle on the convention floor were responsible for her surprising 2nd place finish. I didn’t see more than the first 30 seconds of the Goldberg video until now. I now believe 1/2 of Silbert’s support came from the reaction people had to that Goldberg display. It was awful. And I wouldn’t simply blame the media consultant who she recently let go. The video was entirely her speaking into the camera. She just doesn’t come off well. Good luck to the new guy coming up with a way to spend $2 million selling a product nobody really wants.
jaybooth says
doesn’t strike you as a little out of line?
bob-neer says
That is the message that I think the video gives. But I softened it in the interest of being polite.
orange says
Give me a break!! Finally, I have viewed the Goldberg and the Silbert videos. Although Deb’s is somewhat lighthearted and simplistic, sometimes true genius comes in simple solutions. For example, the disposable razor and instant hand sanitizer. These products provide simple and perfect answers to real human needs with high demand. Look at the video again. Everything Deb points out is true. Also, she did work those jobs. She may not win the ‘best short’ academy award, but it is obvious to me that the negative response to the video can only be fueled by other candidates’ fears that she will indeed win the primary. In other words, Murray and Silbert camps are grasping at straws.
Regarding Silbert’s video… BOOOORing!!! Sure, Silbert might create jobs, should she be elected, but so would Goldberg and Murray. Silbert, in my opinion, will be too focused on saving the world when all I want from my Lt. Gov. is for things to be better here in Massachusetts. Silbert has, indeed, helped a few individuals who, in turn, helped others. But her arrogant attitude is wearing thin. I suggest that Silbert’s phoney liberal, “I HATE RICH PEOPLE” attacks stop. Seems the only rich people she doesnt hate are the ones that contribute to her campaign.
By the way, were is Murray’s video?