Ciulla said that Healey has made the rounds of cities and towns during her tenure as lieutenant governor, but that she is simply “the bearer of bad news,” telling communities how the state is “slashing your budgets and increasing your taxes.”
That fact was reported in the Everett newspaper a couple of weeks ago. Ciulla was a City Councilor in Everett and represented that Senate District in the GOP State Comm. When he announced he was quitting the Rep. State Comm and joining the ranks of the Unenrolled, he also said he would be supporting Tim Murray for Lt. Governor because Murray knew what small cities like Everett were going through and the Romney/Healey Administration let them down in a big way.
I got Tom’s letter a few weeks ago.. (0.00 / 0)
…and was surprised this wasn’t an issue sooner.
I like him personally, but feel obliged to point out that he served less than one half of one term on the State Committee, and freely admitted (at least to me) that it wasn’t what he expected at all, and he didn’t like it. He hasn’t attended a meeting in over a year. I tried leaving him messages to go get a cup of coffee together, but he hasn’t returned my calls.
He didn’t SEEM to endorse Reilly, he went to work for his campaign
That fact was reported in the Everett newspaper a couple of weeks ago. Ciulla was a City Councilor in Everett and represented that Senate District in the GOP State Comm. When he announced he was quitting the Rep. State Comm and joining the ranks of the Unenrolled, he also said he would be supporting Tim Murray for Lt. Governor because Murray knew what small cities like Everett were going through and the Romney/Healey Administration let them down in a big way.
I got Tom’s letter a few weeks ago.. (0.00 / 0)
…and was surprised this wasn’t an issue sooner.
I like him personally, but feel obliged to point out that he served less than one half of one term on the State Committee, and freely admitted (at least to me) that it wasn’t what he expected at all, and he didn’t like it. He hasn’t attended a meeting in over a year. I tried leaving him messages to go get a cup of coffee together, but he hasn’t returned my calls.
He didn’t SEEM to endorse Reilly, he went to work for his campaign