Did anybody catch Jim Braude’s interview with Kerry Healey Monday night? She has gotten so much better in the last several months, that we can not underestimate her newly acquired media skills. Looked very comfortable, no stammering, no “ahhh”, answered Braude’s questions with quick talking points that focused on what she wanted the message to be and not on answering the question. Just like a pro.
Dismiss this performance at your own peril. (OK, after building her up like that maybe you won’t be impressed. But most folks have very low expectations of Healey and this interview would wow anyone that had low expectations.)
I’ve heard through the grapevine that Healey is getting extensive media training–daily. With media coaches, mock interviews that are video taped and analyzed. It’s paying off.
It’s going to be a war in November.
When we talked with him in May, Chet Curtis remarked how much improved she was. She’s still not great — not warm. And not compelling. But not actively off-putting, either.
If this is true (and I don’t doubt that it is), this is a very good idea on Healey’s part, and the Dems should take notice – and should be doing likewise. Some folks don’t realize that talking with the media, like any other activity, is a skill, has specific techniques associated with it, and can be taught and learned. Of course, some have more natural ability than others. But that’s no excuse for not trying to improve.
You can INSULT reporters, but you ALWAYS have to feed them…