“Back in 1989, Rand Wilson worked hard to support us during our three month strike to stop the telephone company from balancing skyrocketing health care benefit costs on our backs. And he has stood by Local 2222 members in every battle we’ve had since,” said Committee on Political Education (COPE) Chair P.J. Foley. “Now we are proud to stand with the Working Families Party and Rand in his bid for Auditor.”
In 1995, Local 2222 recognized Wilson with a special award, “Given in appreciation by Local 2222 for all of your help and dedication to the labor movement.”
“I’ve worked closely with the members of Local 2222 in many struggles for the good jobs that Massachusetts communities need,” said Wilson. “Local 2222’s support for our campaign sends a message to all telecommunications workers that our political strategy to change the face of politics in Massachusetts is the best way forward for all working people.
“It’s an honor to have this vote of confidence in our campaign for Auditor and to have Local 2222 as a continuing sponsor of the Ballot Freedom campaign,” Wilson added.
Seeking the endorsement, Wilson briefed Local 2222’s COPE committee on July 5 about the referendum campaign to win Ballot Freedom and the strategy to run a Working Families Party candidate for Auditor. After careful consideration, union members voted to endorse and financially support Wilson at their August 2 membership meeting.
Wilson will attend a September 6 membership meeting to accept the endorsement and thank the union for its support.
For a candidate bio, photos, news clips, and background information, please contact the Wilson for Working Families Campaign at 617 623-8405.