So, not only is Kerry Healey allegedly going to show up at the Dick Cheney fundraiser in a couple of weeks (though I still say look for a last-minute “unavoidable conflict”), she’s gone public with her warm, fuzzy feelings toward perhaps the coldest, least fuzzy public official in the United States. In an interview to be broadcast at 7 pm tonight on NECN’s NewsNight with Jim Braude, here’s what our Lieutenant Governor has to say:
JB: What do you think of the job Dick Cheney is doing? Less than 20 percent of people in America have a favorable opinion. Are you part of the 20 percent?
KH: I support our administration as you know. I feel very strongly that there are things that I agree with in national policy — keeping taxes lower and having an aggressive foreign policy and having standards in education.
JB: So if a pollster were to call the Healey household and someone said “don’t worry, it’s anonymous,” as all polls are, do you say “favorable” or “unfavorable” on Dick Cheney?
KH: I would say favorable.
Hey, that’s awesome – thanks Kerry! You just made our job in November a WHOLE lot easier. Can’t wait to see the photos from the Cheney fundraiser – you can be sure they’ll be featured front-and-center in every Democratic ad from then ’til election day.
They didn’t bother when Cheney came in 2000.
They didn’t bother when Ken Mehlman, Elizabeth Dole, Mike Huckabee or Christine Whitman came during this past year.
the only reason they have pictures of Andy Card is because they were hoping for free food at the convention!
In 2000, no Gov’s race, and Cheney wasn’t yet in office. So who cares. The other guys you mentioned: nobody much cares about them. I mean, wow, “Kerry Healey appears with Ken Mehlman”! Stop the freakin’ presses.
This is really, really different. Heck, if the Globe has already run a story about whether she’s going to show up, don’t you think they’ll send a photographer? I do.
…especially if it takes a second to figure out that it references my lieutenant governor, and not my senator…
And here we thought the Glob had raised your consciousness!
This is a site devoted to serious political discourse!
Now, if the headline had said “Kerry hearts dick,” that would be entirely another matter. But it’s capital “D” Dick we’re talking about here. “D”ick, not “d”ick, get it? The capitalization makes all the difference.
…shouldn’t it be “Healey hearts Dick”?
Thanks goodness we’ll be getting rid of one of them soon.
NOW who’s mind is in the gutter? My GOODNESS! :~o
I did not realize that “Dick” was the Vice President’s last name. I guess I’ve had it backwards this whole time.
This explains quite a bit about the “right-wing” perspective on life, doesn’t it?
she’s willing to admit it…
Shocking! The most terrifyingly prepared newsguy in New England let Healey off the hook. Brett Arends had her dead to rights on this one:
If she thinks an “aggressive foreign policy” is such a good idea, and wants to catch some of that reflected glory from Cheney, then what does she think about the decision to invade Iraq — and its architect? Answer the question, Kerry.
Braude may not have known about the Arends column before. But he will now – and he’ll certainly be talking to her again before the election.
Tying Healey to BushCheneyCo is going to be great fun.
Afghanistan. Honestly, did anyone not support the invasion of Afghanistan??
Her public schedule says she’ll be on 96.9 at 8 am Tuesday. I urge everyone to call in and make her answer your questions.
Because she’s too scared to chart any other course.