Frank Skeffington must be a paid consultant or related to one of the candidates because he is relentless in his attacks against Deb.
Deb Goldberg is a leader and has demonstrated this trait in the private sector and as a Selectmen in Brookline. The other candidates just do not have the experience that Deb has.
I see this race breaking shortly in Deb’s direction.
Sorry Frank no hard feelings but perhaps you should vote with your head and not your heart.
vote experience for Lt. governor
Please share widely!
hoss says
Andrea Silbert said it better than I ever could have.
sabutai says
I’d love to find out who she votes for in the gubernatorial primary.
slushpuppy says
frankskeffington says
Yes I’m a Silbert supporter who has volunteered for the campaign. I’ve never been paid–not even a reimbursement (never asked)–it’s just that I like quality people in government. What’s your story?
As for me relentlessly attacking Deb–I haven’t said a bad thing about her in couple of days…not since I found out that she’s done a flip flop on the income tax roll back.
Which reminds me, I need to do a post on that real soon. BTW, I just looked up relentless: Steady and persistent; unremitting
I think my comments about Goldberg have been haphazard and occasional. (Yes, lately I’ve been tough–but that’s what happens when she tells lies in her TV spot.) Would you care to defend that–the campaign as certainly chosen to ignore it?)
Anyway, I want to make a pledge to you, that I will work work harder and live up to the true meaning of relentless. Thanks for the motivation.
wonkette03 says
frankskeffington says
hlpeary says
You say: “The other candidates just do not have the experience that Deb has.” You are so right…neither one of her opponents are heirs to fortunes and can afford to buy an elected office…they have to run for office the old fashioned way…on ideas, on government experience and on small contributions from thousands of people who support them. Even though Andrea had a similar upbringing in Brookline and can draw on her stock portfolio for support while she runs, she still has had to turn to others to help fund her campaign.
Murray’s life experience could not be farther away from Deb’s, but he is so much closer in understanding to millions of people in Massachusetts who actually do have to worry about how to pay a mortgage, or tuitions, or health insurance, or electric bills or gas for the car.
Comparing 2 years as Chair of a Town Board of Selectman does not come close to 3 terms as Mayor of Worcester, even with the the system Worcester uses…not even close. The scores of municipal leaders that are supporting Murray are testament to that…they know what is going on on the local level.
Massachusetts has had leaders in the corner office who are clueless about what the average working family is going through for far too long. It upsets me that the Democrats would be offering the same bill of fare.