Speech ongoing now.
Thanks supporters, says they made it a “much closer race than all the pundits were predicting.” Hmm – an odd spin on a race he was supposed to walk away with. Whatever.
But he says he’s going to run as an independent in November. So much for that whole “loyal Democrat” thing.
“I am of course disappointed by the results.”
“For the sake of my country and my party, I cannot and will not let that result [of Lamont winning] stand. I expect that my opponent will continue to do in the general election what he has done in the primary: partisan polarizing instead of talking about how we can solve the people’s problems.”
Blah blah blah – I want six more years. You get the picture.
Says he’s angry about the direction in which this country is moving. Fed up with partisan bickering in Washington. “I’ve been there, and I am fed up too.” Memo to Joe: try not kissing the guy who’s responsible for most of it.
“Tomorrow morning our campaign will file the necessary petitions with the CT Secretary of State’s office so that we can continue this campaign with a new politics of unity and purpose. If the people of CT are good enough to send me back to Washington as an independent Democrat [whatever that is –ed.], I promise to continue fighting for blah blah blah…. And I will never hestitate to work with members of the other party if it helps me to achieve solutions for the people of CT. And as I have done before, and maybe this causes controvery, I promise you, I will always do what I believe is right for my state and country, regardless of what the political consequences may be. So tomorrow is a brand new day. [it sure is. –ed.] blah blah blah.”
susan-m says
Just go away.
Sounds like Joe’s running as an Independent. What a wanker.
His concession speech sounds more like he’s throwing down a gauntlet.
joeltpatterson says
The Republicans were right–he’s a Sore Loserman.
This guy does NOT deserve a salary paid by our taxes.
lightiris says
Well, I sense a sea change afoot.
Lieberman’s speech was like watching a clinical event taking place. He is delusional. And the Democratic leadership needs to step on him pronto. He’s radioactive.
That said, here are some numbers from a post on Kos. Can’t vouch for their accuracy, but that’s done easily enough.
They’re very interesting:
sco says
By the time CT is ready to vote in the presidential primary, the winner has pretty much been decided.
lightiris says
Doesn’t negate the fact, I believe, that voter turnout yesterday was extraordinary.
peter-porcupine says
susan-m says
Just a few quick facts:
The Photoshopped picture of Clinton and Lieberman was stupid and Jane Hamsher caught more than an earful from people on her own blog, Firedoglake. Ned didn’t care for the picture either and asked that it be taken down, and so it was removed from Huffpo and Jane apologized, which was the right thing to do.
Lieberman’s website was NOT hacked. He just has an incredibly stupid web development staff.
It was Cindy Sheehan who camped out in Texas, not Cindy Crawford. The location was Crawford, TX.
Lieberman lost because he is more concerned with representing his own interests than the interests of the people of Connecticut. The fact that he is running as an Independent just confirms that.
peter-porcupine says
The post now says Cindy Sheehan in Crawford Tx. It was late, and the sentance just telescoped. Really, I do know the difference.
The power of advertising is a terrible thing, in a way.
david says
do you really think he would have gotten a law passed to make it illegal? đŸ˜‰
peter-porcupine says
Susan – it orrurs to me that I didn’t properly answer your comments.
When the Hamsher photo surfaced, Ned didn’t say, “I am discouraged that in the 21st Century, anyone would think that a joke like this is in any way acceptable or even humorous. I am especialy dismayed that a person associated with my campaign was involved, and I apologize to Sen. and Hadassah Lieberman for the controversy. I utterly repudiate such an exhibition. We don’t need dirty tricks to win.”
When the Lieberman site went down, Ned didn’t say, “Nobody knows better than I do how important a web site is to a campaign. The Net has been a great tool to help me get out my message. I’m here, working hard, and my campaign staff and I do not know how this happened. If a misguided supporter did this, supposedly on my behalf, all I can do is to ask that person to stop now, and restore the Senator’s site. We don’t need dirty tricks to win!”
Didn’t say anything like that, did he?
By not actively disavowing these actions, he owns them and condones them. The charges wren’t ‘scurrilous’ – they were predictable, and by responding in the way he did, he demonstrated just why he isn’t Senatorial timbre. He will need far better grace than that if he is elected.
Personally – I’m uneasy with the Killer Coke cartoon of Deval, and I’m surprised that nobody on BMG has mentioned how RUDE it is.
I stand by what I wrote – that this primary victory spells the end of moderation and foreshadows an ever deepening schism in public discourse.
sco says
Actually, Lamont DID in fact say that his campaign was not responsible for the “hack” and that whoever was doing it should stop immediately. They linked to the cashed version of the Sentor’s Website (even his pathetic hosting company didn’t think to do that) and offered to provide technical help.
I’ll find the exact statement if you want, but don’t go spreading false information.
As far as the actual hack goes, it’s difficult to say because the hosting company is trying to cover their ass here. They’re calling it a Denial of Service attack, but it almost certainly wasn’t what a web professional would call a Denial of Service attack. Somebody is hiding something. Personally, I think Lieberman’s web people are feeding him a line so they don’t get fired for not using things like a ‘firewall’ or ‘patching their code’.
sco says
(and yes, I realize it’s cached not cashed).
peter-porcupine says
Sco – this is the FIRST time I saw anything except the ‘scurrilous’ remark – and I WAS looking for it.
I will amend the post to reflect it, and mention that MSM fell down on this job.
charley-on-the-mta says
… that the Lamont campaign offered assistance in getting Joe’s site back up.
I’m sorry, but that post is pretty terrible. You declare Lamont unfit for office because he was “unwilling” to distance himself from Hamsher, et al. Well you know what? He was running for Senate in Connecticut. So maybe he was talking about things that matter to Connecticut folks, i.e. not some website. I don’t excuse the blackface image for one moment, but come on, there’s a war on.
As far as dirty tricks are concerned, I think shouting someone down is one of the most despicable things anyone can do. Protest T-shirts, signs, costumes, whatever — that’s all good fun and in bounds, but let the man speak. The nutjob lefties used to do that in college, and it made me want to puke. Well, that’s what the Lieberman supporters did., including a PhRMA lobbyist! Any comment on that, Peter? Civility and moderation, anyone?
Israel/Lebanon had absolutely nothing to do with this race. If you listened to Lamont, there was hardly any daylight at all between his position and Condi Rice’s. So you can cool it with the inflammatory accusations of anti-Semitism. That dog won’t hunt.
Peter, it’s really simple: 52% of CT Democrats did not think Joe Lieberman was representing them well. So someone else gets a chance. That’s what democracy is all about, right? Zealotry, indeed.
peter-porcupine says
charley-on-the-mta says
That’s all good. I assume you’ll let me know. đŸ˜‰
peter-porcupine says
And I will ony tell you your posts are terrible if I am reasonably sure you will not use my ideas to change course and better advise your candidates. I envision being far more frank after November. :~)
david says
I mentioned the cartoon! Right here.
peter-porcupine says
Spasibo! Kak posiviatye? Ya ochen droog! (Equivalent of high school French!)
I was intrigued by your reference, but agree that Tree Hugger was the stereotype du jour. Still, in subliminal land, even without cyrillic, there’s an eponymous sound there…