Just got an amusing update from Healey campaign central.
First, though they finally fixed the screwed-up header on their website, looks like the fix didn’t carry over to their email:
“Oooh, there’s that nice Mrs. Hillman again!”
Further down the email, we see this curious item:
Hmm. “Guest hosting” a talk radio show? Doesn’t that sound kinda like giving free media to a candidate for Governor? Doesn’t basic fairness, if not the letter of the law, suggest that maybe the good people of WCRN ought to be offering free media to the Democratic candidates too? Some further inquiry may be in order on this one…
UPDATE: The always-helpful staff of OCPF informs me that unless a radio or TV station actually runs “advertising” for free or at reduced cost (a situation governed by this statute), it’s outside OCPF’s jurisdiction. And since the FCC repealed its “fairness doctrine” in 1987, there’s not much anyone can do about it.
So guest-host away, guys – you’re all clear. Now let’s see some left-leaning radio stations offer free air time to the Dems!
My guess is WCRN won’t find this very hilarious, unless Peter Blute’s conveniently planned some time off for right about now.
Let’s see: Healy/Hillman; Mihos; Ross; Reilly; Patrick; Gabrilei. Well, there’s a week’s vacation right there!
Massachusetts has been a one state party for years. Mitt Romney has had NO power given the fact the Legislature is %87 Liberal Democrats. I find it pretty odd that the Democrats miss this fact. If you think having a Democrat Governor who will raise taxes even further will stem the tide of people leaving you are as sober as a Kennedy.
People and companies are fleeing this Liberal dung heap and if you think the fact we are to the left of Karl Marx here in this state has nothing to do with it you are sadly mistaken.
Which party keeps raising taxes? Who proposes idiotic legislature like raising the state tax to %5.95,free tuition for Illegals, giving licenses to Illegals, ignores the will of the people to lower the Income tax back to the PROMISED %5, the Big Dig mess, gay marriage, and on and on.
We are the laughingstock of every other state. Period.
Remember how Finneran stood in for David Brudnoy from time to time?
If you turn over the free media rock, GOP candidates EVERYWHERE will wind up thanking you, as numbers alone dictate that this is a benefit enjoyed primarily by Dem legislators and candidates.
I may be wrong (wouldn’t be the first time, certainly won’t be the last) but I don’t think Finneran was a candidate with opposition at the time.
We have a guy running against DiMasi too.
Obviously, David is dead now, and can’t verify, but I seem to remember Menino doing a few turns while Hennigan was running against him as well…
I’ll try to get an answer.