Video of the first-ever meeting between BMG and HubPolitics on tonight’s NewsNight is now available! Thanks to Chet Curtis for sitting in for Jim Braude and for hosting an enjoyable discussion. Matt Margolis, despite his unfortunate party affiliation (he even wore a little elephant lapel pin!), is a very nice fellow.
Please share widely!
I watched both segments, and, David, you did a fine job. You’re like Armando on Ativan (that’s a good thing, in case you don’t know the reference).
Good stuff all around.
David, my lad, you must bring a sharp stick to the next one of these. Matt was far too nice, far too agreeable. He needed a poke or two.
Your co-commenters were just that, a supporting cast. Granted the questions were slow lobs. You immediately answered them — with your scary, wide-eyed alertness — and the others reacted to what you said.
It looks like you need your own show. I’d bet it would be a lot snappier and snarkier.
Nice that you got the “Republican governors are not an effective check on the legislature” thing in.
So true, and so much a good reason to elect an independent, strong Democrat to the corner office!