If each of us donates something, it will make a difference. I’m starting with $100, and if each of us do that, it will make a huge difference. If each of us gave $200, I can’t even tell you how much of an impact it would have.
You know, there’s really no “Mass. netroots” candidate out there other than Deval. But there can be, and now is the time.
Please join me and donate to Andrea’s campaign here.
I know there haven’t been many posts here asking for money, and I thought about this before posting, but I think that it is as important for us to donate as it is to volunteer our time, let alone to blab about campaigns on this site. Kos and other “national” sites have had an impact on fundraising; there’s no reason why the participants in this most popular of Massachusetts political sites cannot as well. Let’s make sure our most qualified candidates have the opportunity to get their message out.
Because Deb Goldberg was born into money I have to donate to Andrea Silbert?
All you said to convince me was “netroots” 6 times with a bunch of other words in between. What is that. Andrea Silbert’s never been elected to anything and never served in any part of government, why is she so “progressive”? Honest questions here, you’ve gotta do a lot better than this if you expect to piggy-back on this blog for cash because you have friends on the campaign.
spend more on TV than any downballot candidate since 1998 (save for Gabrieli 02)
Re-read that sentence a couple more times and tell me if it sounds funny to you đŸ™‚