The benevolent powers that be at soapblox central switched BMG over to a new server last night. The soapblox project of developing a 50-state network of community blogs has so far been a huge success – our traffic, along with that of Burnt Orange Report (TX), Blue Jersey (NJ), Michigan Liberal (MI), and others, especially My Left Nutmeg (CT, which has been inundated with Joementum-related traffic) has skyrocketed since we all switched over. As a result, blogs like this one which got into the soapblox game early have occasionally experienced slow response times and outages as the old server struggled to keep up with ever-growing traffic.
The move should improve response time, and should hopefully eliminate the occasional outages that we’ve experienced over the last few weeks. Thanks guys, and congratulations on soapblox’s continued success!
smart-mass says
I’ve noticed the lag when loading this site… glad to hear things are running faster…