Old: Big dogs own the street.
New: Agile is best; being big can bite you.
GR: Be big and agile.
Old: Be No. 1 or No. 2 in your market.
New: Find a niche, create something new.
GR: Old politics is failing, be an optimistic breath of fresh air.
Old: Shareholders rule.
New: The customer is king.
GR: The voter is everything.
Old: Be lean and mean.
New: Look out, not in.
GR: Everybody is in sales.
Old: Rank your players; go with the A’s.
New: Hire passionate people.
GR: Passionate people that form an automatic meritocracy.
Old: Hire a charismatic CEO.
New: Hire a courageous CEO.
GR: Work for, and elect, a courageous and charismatic candidate.
Old: Admire my might.
New: Admire my soul.
GR: Admire my people.
publius says
But on primary day and election day, you better be #1 in your market.
That old rule still applies. It’s also why politics is a tougher game than selling cars or toothpaste.