Chris Gabrielli may have sewn up the nomination simply by doin’ what he’s been doin’. Ernie’s hearing stories of the little things being done by Gabs and his campaign which show a sense of organization and savvy.
Gabs is hitting the phones hard and everyone wants to be with a winner.
He’s reacquainting himself with various local power types who told him months ago they were with Deval or Reilly. The Reilly Disaster and the Devals ceiling, has people sensing a Gabs victory. His family ad did not hurt either.
The result, many of these people who committed to Deval or Reilly see Gabs winning it and aren’t as enthused about working on Primary Day as they once were.
How many votes did Deval get with the ad with Barak in the background?
Deval encourages the Deval ceiling of votes.
I need a poll in order to handicap? The criteria for saying anything negative against Deval seems to be more strict that other opinions.
Or do i misunderstnad your point by asking for a poll?
Never Mind
Help me out here.
Is the subliminal message:
1) I’m Deval Patrick national player, keep you eyes on me I’m going places?
2) You’re looking at the 2016 (2008? Democratic National Ticket, Barak for President, Deval for VP?
3) Or is it I, the “outsider” have such national “insider” connections, I can get a very popular US Senator from another state to endorse me?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Especially if it is #3, Using Barak doesn’t that cut completely counter to the main message of the campaign about being an outsider???
I don’t know, maybe there wasn’t enough Kool-Aid at he convention parties the night before the convention…
why the obsession with wikipedia links?
I’ll try to keep them below 50%, as 3 of 6 here are wikipedia.
The main reason, is I find them interesting…
a link to the wiki definition of “message”?
Actually it’s quite simple:
“People said he couldn’t win.”
Maybe Gabs could get Donald Trump or George Steinbrenner to sit with him for a future ad. Message:
“If you’re rich enough you can buy practically anything.”
I don’t understand, if you “can’t loose with the statewide field organization”, why would people be saying he couldn’t win?
i noticed it as soon as I hit the “post” button….
Deval’s new ad has him merely looking into the camera and asking “What me worry?”