The Deval Patrick campaign has announced that they are hitting the airwaves starting Friday. Patrick’s first TV ad will appear first on Deval Patrick TV on Thursday at 2:30 pm, and then on broadcast and cable stations starting Friday morning. From the sound of it, the ad will be of the “I’m Deval Patrick and I’m running for Governor” variety (from the release: “Telling the story of Deval Patricks life, from a youth in Chicago and Milton to the Clinton Administration and his business experience”). Campaign manager John Walsh explains: “We have stuck to our strategy for the past 16 months, a strategy of building up from the grassroots a base of support that has heard Deval Patricks message of hoping for the best in our state and working for it. That strategy now calls for us to add traditional television ads.”
Sounds like the sprint to the finish line has begun.
Get ready, set, GO Deval!
I’ve seen the first two ads and they are chock full of awesome. 🙂 Be sure to check out the first ad tomorrow at 2:30 PM on DPTV.
Or, am I drinking the Koolaid?
Someone (maybe it was Too Left for Me or jdhaverhill) told me that in the television ad, Deval bursts through a wall and yells “Oh Yeaahh!” 🙂
I think the race is over , Deval has been MIA for too long …
It’s over. But Deval will go on the air anyway, because it’s expected…
it was either commercials or just blow the money on penny candy.
I can’t figure out if you’re a ” the sky is falling” type, or a “the sky is purple” type. But keep posting until I figure it out, ok?
…they can use it to data mine for more touching stories.
’cause Republicans never play up stuff like that!
Oh, wait…
Or it may be my system here that won’t open the photos. However, I agree in principle. What puzles me is that we are supposed to be so AMAZED that a scholarship boy, taken from a rough enviornment at an early age, would succeed. Kerry at least completed public school before going on to prestigious universities.
I have a friend who was a scholarship student at the Commonwealth School in Boston, going home from Beacon Hill every day to the Cathedral Projects, to try to do difficult homework while the other young project residents taunted outside with cries of ‘Oreo’ and ‘Tom’. Now THAT’S a story!
I’m at work and can’t see the ads with sound until I get home. They sure look pretty on mute though!
you’ll love the sounds….great ads! I love the line “It’s not a deficit of dollars. It’s a deficit of leadership.”
I just had a chance to check out the ads at DPTV: Not too bad, really.
“Leader” is about as good a synopsis of the tone of the DP campaign as you’re likely to get in 30 seconds. A very good introduction for voters who are just tuning in.
However, “Leader” will need to be followed up with more ads like “Magic” for people who want a little more substance on the issues. As for “Magic” itself, I’d like to have seen a little more of Deval’s passion come through.
Actually, I think the DP team is onto something: Balancing big-picture, politics-changing idealism with the nitty-gritty, issues-oriented realism.
Can’t wait for the sequels!
I think the pacing of his commentary in the second ad is a bit off, but he recovers well enough, and, by the end, you’ve forgotten it.
Overall, he comes off as sincere and appealing. They’ll serve him well.
I personally really liked the second. Maybe I am just a more quiet understated kind of guy. I guess it is because the first seems a bit stale to me. It is a lot of the same footage from the convention video, simply recut. Since I have seen that countless times, it did not speak to me as much as the second one did. Either way I think both are well done.
My impression is that the target audience for these ads are those who are “meeting” Deval for the first time, not those of us who’ve been sipping the Kool Aid for months now. 😉
well at least the letters K, O, and S. 😛
half asleep right now.
have not seen the convention video at all. From a freshness perspective to those who have been following the campaign closely, yes, the second is, by far, more interesting. I wish they had him run through the first two sentences again as “Magic” falls right on the heels of the previous sentence, making for an awkward “huh?” moment. I think the overall message, though, is great, and the ad very effective. Perhaps I am too critical.
I wish he could play the convention video on TV. The first ad just made me want to see that. I liked the second one though.
I think you just emailed me: are you a Ward 9 Waltham coordinator?
Hope to speak to you soon.
My very first thought when I saw the setting of the second commercial, ‘Magic’, was “Ugh, please not a chalkboard.” A second later, I was impressed by how Deval’s sincerity showed through like a strong beacon. It doesnt matter where Deval is, he will light up the room, or in this case the TV screen. He knows the value of education and what it did for him, and that knowledge shines out of him on the line: “…education transformed my life.”
As an aside, I usually ask Deval supporters how they were attracted to the campaign. They usually have said that it was when they saw him on TV (NECN, debate, Emily Rooney, etc.) and they judged at that moment that this Deval guy was not speaking at them but speaking for them.