Dear Members and Friends of PDA MA:
In order for a candidate for statewide office to be endorsed by the statewide PDA organization it is necessary that the candidate receive endorsement approval from every active PDA chapter (concensus/unanimity).
Each of the eight active Massachusetts PDA chapters held meetings last month to vote on the question of whether that chapter would choose to endorse any candidate for statewide office. In accord with PDA endorsement procedures, all persons on the PDA MA email list in an individual chapter’s geographic range were notified when that chapter’s endorsement vote meeting would be held, and in each chapter a quorum of PDA chapter members met to vote.
PDA MA is pleased to announce that it has endorsed Deval Patrick for Governor and John Bonifaz for Secretary of the Commonwealth in the MA Democratic Primary Election to be held September 19, 2006 and has so notified the candidates and the candidates’ campaign offices.
While there are many issues that concern PDA MA, i.e., ending the war in Iraq, voting reform, and establishing a single payer health care system for MA, to name but three such issues, the question of who the people of MA choose to be their Governor and Secretary of the Commonwealth for the next four years will have a tremendous impact on the lives of us all. PDA MA encourages all PDA members and friends of PDA members to reach out to their local PDA chapter –… or to the candidate’s campaign office directly – http://www.devalpatr… http://www.johnbonif… to see what each of us can do to help assure these outstanding candidates are elected.
In hopes for a brighter, more equitable future,
Darcy Sweeney, PDA Western MA State Co-coordinator, and Bruce Taub, PDA Eastern MA State Co-coordinator
For those who don’t know, PDA is an “inside-outside” group that grew out of the Kucinich campaign in a similar fashion as Democracy for America, and is made up of progressive Democrats and moderate pragmatists from the Greens and other left-leaning parties, like Code Pink founder and 2000 California Green US Senate candidate Medea Benjamin.
Dog bites man
Sun came up this morning
W staying the course in Iraq
Wait ’til next year for the Red Sox
STOP! It hurts too much! Can’t this be a refuge from the recent Red Sox disaster?
None whatsoever.
…they’re called the Patriots.
Maroney RULES!
BTW – how wacky do you have to be to have ALL these disparate frincge groups unanimously endorse you? He may LOOK like Poindexter, but he must be as far out as Ward Churchill!