John Carroll in the Phoenix reviews the blogs, vlogs, and plogs of the various candidates this year, and finds that one campaign is doing it right:
[Sec. of State candidate John] Bonifazs campaign blog has all the proper accoutrements of the medium, including links to relevant Web material, rampant chest-thumping, and pointed critiques of his opponent. Thats what were talking about.
YEAAAAARGGHH! And by the way, that full-time blogger is none other than longtime BMG netizen cos.
Please share widely!
cos says
I read that Phoenix piece the other day and got a nice mood boost 🙂
I’m glad they’re noticing! The Phoenix has been looking into other aspects of Internet use by campaigns recently as well (and I’ll note that my video postings are still the only ones that turn up on a YouTube search for “Bill Galvin”, more than two weeks later).
So c’mon everyone, visit our web site and see what I’ve been posting on the only genuine campaign blog of any statewide candidate! Among my recent posts are:
peter-porcupine says
annem says
bfrank says
Way to Bonifaz! Take Galvin to the mat and don’t let him get up. Galvin’s been just cruisin along all these years. I’m glad Bonifaz is here to shake him up a bit. Time for a change, imho. Let’s elect someone who actually will do something, instead of keeping a “do nothiner”.