We had a very interesting and wide-ranging 45-minute conversation with the Herald’s Kim Atkins and NECN’s Chet Curtis – though both of these folks are so polite that to call it a “smackdown” is a bit of a stretch! If you didn’t get to listen live, check out the podcast (WARNING: large file – about 11 MB).
I will try to break the file up into smaller chunks later on, but I don’t have the time right now.
One highlight was a discussion of how members of the mainstream media – like Atkins and Curtis – remain objective when writing a blog (as Atkins does) or conducting extensive interviews (as Curtis does), since in both of those formats it can be hard to keep your “true feelings” from showing. That part of the conversation starts at about 24:00. It then morphed into a discussion of the role that blogs are playing in this election cycle. As a footnote, Atkins, Curtis, and the three of us all agreed that Tom Reilly ought to accept our numerous invitations to come talk to us. Come on in, Tom, the water’s fine! Ernie has already promised to be sure everyone is treated fairly (and we promise too, of course).