(I tried to email this to you, using the “email us” link, but it bounced back as undeliverable address…I have not been a poster for all that long. I have not mastered all of the nuances of BMG. I don’t even know what the ratings thing is about so please be patient with a stupid question…yesterday a poster named FrankS… posted regarding Deb Goldberg’s advertising. I posted a reply comment. This morning I see that both have disappeared. Did I err in some way? Did I break a rule of BMG? it was a pretty bland observation content som I’m trying to figure out why it was edited off the board.
HL Peary
Please share widely!
The web site I used for the information, took down the info I was citing and my link went to no where. So I deleted the post because I had nothing to support my contention.
This recently happen to me also, I responded to a post and then the poster decided to delete the entire posting for whatever reason. I spent the day wondering if I dreamed the whole thing up.
Thanks…I was just curious…although I did agree with the general point you were trying to make about candidates embellishing their accomplishments a little too much…I think they should say they helped do something or “we” did something…but the full credit thing makes them appear smarmy and ego-centric…
you have to remove the words “NOSPAM” from the address before it will work. It’d designed to cut down on spambots picking up the address.