Today’s Globe has the story of Romney’s calling for the legislature to come back into formal session. Sal says it ain’t worth going back into formal session for a bond bill.
Hmm, doesn’t he know he can’t, even if he wants to.
Now any avid reader of BMG knows this issue of the legislature having the ability to enter into a post 7/31 formal session has been debated
And the BMG wisdom concluded that they can’t. Because the rules say they can’t.
So there.
Please share widely!
Wasn’t the final outcome of that discussion that the Legislature could suspend the rule (and therefore call a formal session) by a 2/3 vote?
This is all I know: at Peter’s suggestion, I called the clerk’s office for clarification. The woman who answered the phone was adamant that it couldn’t be done. So that’s where I left it. If anyone can prove otherwise, I cheerfully retract the contention.
Ask to speak to Mr. Toomey or better, Mr. Steve James, Clerk of the House. Mr. James is the ultimate repository of all rules.
It seems to me that the legislature would never hand-cuff itself. In an emergency they must have the ability to conduct a formal session. I must agree with Erinie and Peter.
Common sense tells me they are correct. I would bet a boat load of money that the legislature can return to a formal sesssion at anytime. As long as a pre-determined number of members are in favor.
It’s only common sense.