British MP George Galloway (who generated some controversy when he testified before Congress last year) has offered his views about the war in Lebanon in no uncertain terms. The interview also includes some choice observations about the fair and balanced nature of News Corporation journalism. Would a similar interview be broadcast in the U.S.?
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rightwinger says
. . . I would hope that an American would not support a terrorist organization as Mr. Galloway seems to do. Israel has the right to defend itself and has a right to attack a terrorist regime that threatens its existence (especially when Lebanon has failed to disarm Hezbollah).
lightiris says
terrorist lover like all the other folks who disagree with right-wing warmongering Republicans. When are you folks going to figure out that rhetoric which posits “you’re either with us or you with the terrorists” just doesn’t scare people anymore? With Bush at a 33% approval rating and the Republican Congress with numbers in the toilet, you’d think you guys would dream up something new.
rightwinger says
. . . I cite the latest poll numbers. “Fifty-five percent of Americans approve of President George W. Bush’s handling of homeland security.” And, his overall approval rating has increased to 38%.
Democrats are soft on homeland security. I am not saying that Republicans are right on every issue (well, I guess we are Right of every issue), but it is clear that if a voter wants to protect his/her family from terrorism, the only reasonable vote, is a vote for a Republican. While Ned Lamont and Al Gore worry about global warming (not really a immediate problem), the Republican Party will worry about keeping this country safe from terrorists.
rightwinger says
. . . excuse the typo, “not really an immediate problem.”
If I keep on reading this site for too long, I may purchase a pair of Birkenstocks, and grow my hair out. I need to go watch Fox News.
lightiris says
Okay, you’re pretty funny. Love the spike you pick after London. You go for it.
Look, you may spin this any way you like. Bush is back down to his lowest approval rating at 33%. The Republican congress fares even worse, and your hemorrhaging Republican and Independent support in every poll of this last year.
Go nuts trying to find your incident data to make your guys look good if it makes you feel better, but the trend is clear. The fact is even Republican acknowledge they are in terrible shape and are fearful of losing tremendous ground this year in the midterms.
rightwinger says
. . . you can’t deny that your party is soft on terrorism and homeland security.
While people may be frusterated with the war in Iraq, when they enter the ballot box, and consider how a Democrat would react to the war on terror, they will almost certainly vote for the Republican candidate.
Democrats cut and run. Republicans take the fight to the terrorists where they plan and train rather than allowing the terrorists to take the fight to our homeland.
Consider the following:
The Hezbollah Conflict: Liberals dont agree with the Bush Administrations policy to support Israel in its exercise of self-defense against the terrorist regime of Hezbollah. Do Democrats support Hezbollah? I think voters need to hear this message. A vote for Democrats is a vote against Israel and for terrorist regimes like Hezbollah and Hamas.
lightiris says
I love the Repub talking points! They’re right outta the manual. You’re so earnest in repeating them, too. Keep ’em coming–I’m sending ’em to my friends.
jkw says
You can’t fight terrorism with war. It has never worked in the past and it will never work in the future. Terrorism is an act of desperation. It is the result of people feeling that they have no other options. Destroying homes and businesses will only create more terrorists.
Also, there are options besides supporting Israel and supporting Hezbollah. I will not support Israel as long as they are actively targetting civilians. At this point, I will only support Israel when they prove that they really don’t intend to attack civilians. If they announce that they are going to rebuild every building they bombed and give homes to everyone that lived in them, I will support Israel. But not until then. They have too long of a history of attacking people that are no threat for me to support them.
I also don’t support Hezbollah. I support the people of Lebanon and the people of Israel that are suffering as a result of the conflict. I support the people that are working towards true peace (which does not mean one-sided domination of the area).
will says
…the interview would not be broadcast in the US … because it was the most sloppy political interview I’ve ever seen. We at least limit our soapbox-seeking interview-ees to 30-second sound bytes to curtail the grandstanding. Bleh.
ed-prisby says
Remember that scene in Control Room where the news editor lambasts his junior news director for letting a left wing crack-pot on the air, simply because he said bad things about America? That’s what that interview reminded me of.