Local 25, whose film unit has a notorius [sic] past that includes allegations of shaking down movie producers filming in Boston, bluntly asked gubernatorial candidates in a questionnaire if theyd commit to form a Teamster chaired commission to attract the Motion Picture Industry to Massachusetts. [“attract”?? Yeah, that’s what they’ll do. — ed.]
None of the three Democratic candidates – Reilly, attorney Deval Patrick and venture capitalist Chris Gabrieli – completely rejected or embraced the Teamsters bold power play.
Reilly held out the possibility of later agreeing to the plan by saying as governor he would be “open to additional ideas.”
A Patrick spokesman said Patrick agreed to the concept of a commission with Teamster appointees, but declined to guarantee a Teamster chairman.
A Gabrieli spokesman said his candidate agreed to work with labor groups but didnt promise any specific jobs.
Well, none of these smoothly modulated, thoughtful answers articulates what I was thinking: “Hell, no! What are you, nuts?!” (Who knows, maybe I’ll get a little phone call tonight about that.) It seems to me the more vague and non-committal — i.e. the closer to “no”, the better the answer to that question.
Let’s look at some possible benefits:
Pass the popcorn.