“Independent Democrat”, indeed.
According to a close Lieberman adviser, the President’s political guru, Karl Rove, has reached out to the Lieberman camp with a message straight from the Oval Office: “The boss wants to help. Whatever we can do, we will do.”
They love them some Joe in the White House. And make no mistake, the Senate campaign is going to get extremely nasty. The only reason why the whole state didn’t go up in flames was because Lieberman was caught napping. And let’s not forget, when Lieberman is going after fellow Dems, he’s pretty nasty: remember the “spiderhole of denial” remark against Dean — not to mention how wrong he was on the substance of that remark. Look for more shout-downs, put-downs, name-calling, and PhRMA Lobbyists Gone Wild.
david says
Boy, if Rove wanted to make sure Lieberman loses, there’s not much more he could have done. What better talking point for Ned Lamont than “that’s the guy Karl Rove wants to win this race”? Surely that would scare the crap out of anyone remotely sympathetic to the Democratic party, even if they voted for Lieberman in the primary.
sco says
Sounds like the Lieberman campaign is coming down with a case of disgruntled staffer if they’re leaking poisonous tidbits like that.
david says
a disgruntled staff infection!
Thanks – I’m here all week.
peter-porcupine says
sabutai says
Maybe some of them are Democrats after all….
lightiris says
an anvil to accelerate his Joementum, and for that I am sincerely appreciative.
Yes, indeed, Lieberman is extremely nasty when things don’t go his way, so look for him to start spitting some toxic venom soon. Just wait ’til Reid starts stripping him of his committee assignments…. Pass the popcorn.
cephme says
Joeblivion (I can’t take credit for that, someone on the WesPac blog came up with it).
sco says
Rove knows that we won’t support Lieberman if Rove’s supporting Lieberman, so by saying he’ll support Lieberman, he’s really saying that he supports Lamont. But it could be that he wants us to think he’s supporting Lamont by saying he’s supporting Lieberman because he really is supporting Lieberman. He must have realized that we’d see through this ploy, so he’s clearly saying he’d support Lieberman, implying that he’s trying to help Lamont, knowing that we’d assume he’s therefore helping Lieberman, so from there it’s easy to deduce what side Rove is really on.
And I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.
lynne says
have you ever gotten involved in a land war in Asia?
wes-f says
You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
david says