Although I’ve been scooped by some posting here, I’m pleased on behalf of the Murray campaign to thank Cambridge Mayor Ken Reeves for his support of Tim Murray for Lt. Governor.
Mayor Reeves endorsement speaks to the progressive leadership Tim Murray will bring, on behalf of cities and towns to the corner office. I know, I know, others will post that the others in the race are progressive, and this news does not question that assertion. We have a strong field.
For us, the summer has been productive. Tim has raised more money, from more donors, he is the endorsed candidate of the Massachusetts Democratic Party and the AFL-CIO, in addition to an extensive list of individual elected officials that has been noted here, and it is our opinion that he has the strongest field organization in the race. We believe the latest poll results are reflective of this work.
Although scooped here, we’re pleased to officially break the news on behalf of the campaign of Mayor Reeves endorsement.
frankskeffington says
[Murray 11%
Goldberg 6%
Silbert 5%
UNDECIDED 78% http://www.bluemassg…]
Never mind the fact that David just pointed out the flaw in the survey’s press release that underestimates the MOI.
Yup, real reflective of the work.
scott-in-belmont says
In any poll, I’ll prefer first. And the work the Murray campign has done has been solid, and unmatched by the other campaigns. Thanks for letting me expand on this. Tim has more endorsements and has a true statewide field organization. The poll results reflect his strength in central and western Mass., which will be important in the general, where Democrat’s have lost the last number of elections. So, I’ll promote the poll, as the others would, should they have a reason.
frankskeffington says
…78% of the voters are still undecided?
scott-in-belmont says
I’m not sure what you expect. Down ticket, low profile. You’d still rather be third?
frankskeffington says
Ya, because someone has to be first in a poll that obviously indicates the race is wide, wide open–I’d rather it be my candidate.
But to spin it as a postive…leave that to the interns. Time to say good night.
scott-in-belmont says
Even an intern would understand that first in a poll is good, and last is bad. Truly, if you look at the two polls of the LG race, there is something in the shift in support, as any intern would understand, not sure why you’re not admitting it.
frankskeffington says
…if you’re talking about the June Suffolk poll. The big number that basically stayed the same was undecided 79% in June and 78% now. Sure Tim and Deb switched 1st and 2nd, but the shift was within the MOE.
Hey, more power to you if you want to highlight a poll that shows more than 3/4 of the voters undecided and the front runner with 11% of the vote.
And I did admit that I’d rather have my candidate with the 11% and not statistically tied for 2nd (there’s my spin). I just don’t see how I could say with a straight face that the poll really meant anything and would have to admit that the race is wide, wide open. I’m not sure why your not admitting that.
scott-in-belmont says
Well, my post was about the endorsement of Mayor Reeves of Cambridge, and other campaign developments that I speculated was reflected in the poll. The poll happened to come out the same day, and i mentioned it. There is some reason Murray polls double the others, and now you have my take. The number of undecideds is to be expected, and it will be interesting to see in the Labor Day polls whether the Goldberg ad shrinks that number.
Back to the progressive city of Cambridge, the Murray campaign has also received the endorsement of Anthony Galluccio.
sabutai says
Undecided is winning. In a landslide.
scott-in-belmont says
they only count punched votes on election day.
slushpuppy says
Ken Reeves, Galluccio and the 78% undecided poll. Guess you gotta’ “love the one you’re with.” Nice hustle, though.
P.S. Random thought: Imagine a documentary covering how Reeves spends his election day!
scott-in-belmont says
I cannot imagine what you are implying about Mayor Reeves.
slushpuppy says
I recall Reeves supporting John O’Connor, then endorsing Gabrieli after being offerred more money. I just don’t think that kind of guy is going to work very hard for votes on election day.
Nonetheless, I’d rather have his vote than not… so like I said before… love the one you’re with.
scott-in-belmont says
I wasn’t sure. Reeves certainly has a backing in Cambridge.