From State House News:
Hidden in smoke alarms were six cameras located in fourth-floor Transportation Building hallways, wired to a monitor in the office of a top aide to recently ousted [Mass. Turnpike] chairman Matthew Amorello…. Amorello’s former deputy chief of staff Keith Shirley, two rooms from the former chairman’s office, could watch a split-screen monitor that viewed as many as six areas at once, said Jon Carlisle, a spokesman for Transportation Secretary and new MTA chair John Cogliano. He stopped short of describing it as a surveillance system, saying, “We don’t know exactly what it is.” The cameras were equipped to record, Carlisle said.
Please share widely!
…is gonna get those tunnels fixed real fast.
That John Cogliano’s a really, really nice, loyal guy? And adorable.
Would you like a nice fern with that?
Is it legal to have closed circuit television cameras with recording without disclosure?
…we had a creep down here who recorded people on video cams in his store, but he got off because there was no audio. I THOUGHT there was a subsequent law which made the video recording illegal as well, but the cameras were probably installed before that pased.
That’s where police often go for footage when investigating crimes (like kidnappings & car thefts) picked-up on nearby building security cameras.